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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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From what I hear I don't expect them to sign anyone over 30.

I had no idea Harrison was older than me. He must have flunked a year or two of HS.
You young snippet:) How well Sean Phillips but I think you are correct regarding the over 30 comment. Build through the draft and free agency but stay young.

I did not want Harrison but I thought that you might:wink:
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tsteele316;2314157; said:
the twitters are saying 5 years $40 million for kruger.

If true, what do think about this signing tsteele?

Personally, I think it's a pretty good signing and an improvement to anyone we currently have on the roster at a postion of need. Hella of a lot better than the Frostee Rucker signing of last year.
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ArmyVet83;2314161; said:
If true, what do think about this signing tsteele?

Personally, I think it's a pretty good signing and an improvement to anyone we currently have on the roster at a postion of need. Hella of a lot better than the Frostee Rucker signing of last year.

hes one of the top FA's in this years class so this is a great signing by the browns IMO if it happens
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One of the talking heads I saw yesterday.. said in today's cap world and situation.. the ONLY FA that will land a deal north of $10M is Wallace.. said everyone else is going to get a taste of reality and will be disappointed
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NJ-Buckeye;2314165; said:
One of the talking heads I saw yesterday.. said in today's cap world and situation.. the ONLY FA that will land a deal north of $10M is Wallace.. said everyone else is going to get a taste of reality and will be disappointed

what the problem really is is that there just aren't a lot of teams with cap space right now. the FA market is overly saturated this year, especially with teams having to dump vets left and right to get under the cap and get enough cash to sign their draft picks. this is one of the better years to have boatloads of cap room.
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If he's coming in on a front heavy deal at 7.5 a year
Then that isn't too bad. I thought he was looking at
9-10mil. Which...just no way that would happen.

Nnamdi can play FS... Not CB. He's lost more then a step in his game.
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ArmyVet83;2314161; said:
If true, what do think about this signing tsteele?

Personally, I think it's a pretty good signing and an improvement to anyone we currently have on the roster at a postion of need. Hella of a lot better than the Frostee Rucker signing of last year.

assuming a price tag of 5 years and $40 million, it's not a bad deal. i assume in typical banner fashion it will be structured to pay out little in signing bonus money to be spread across the deal, so, cleveland would pay out most of the guaranteed money up front and could cut him later with little cap implication.
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