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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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I have.. $1 says he fits... playoff contenders are often a function of what your second and regrettably, third team looks like... you have to have backups... and he fits a backup need... how many times has one or two injuries taken us out of decent to the pits... Gogong?

and what about the irony if Derek Anderson comes back ?!?!?!?!
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Sorry Ill pass on DA and Nathan Williams...at one time I saw Williams as a draft pick in this league but injuries have decimated him...

I hope Weeden makes the necessary progression from year 1 to year 2..Until that happens no matter how much we upgrade and improve we cannot consistently compete...QB is the most important position in sports,period...
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I have.. $1 says he fits... playoff contenders are often a function of what your second and regrettably, third team looks like... you have to have backups... and he fits a backup need... how many times has one or two injuries taken us out of decent to the pits... Gogong?

and what about the irony if Derek Anderson comes back ?!?!?!?!
I think Nate will be a undrafted free agent and he really can play OLB in the NFL I would think. Gocong is being considered as a possible candidate for ILB as well as OLB. I loved Nate as a Buckeye but just don't know if he has the physical tools for the NFL and I worry about his knees.

If Anderson comes back to Cleveland, I guess I can live with it. Maybe he can play in the 3-4. Has good length.
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If Nathan had a Kurt Coleman type career and was being overlooked - believe me I'd be writing letters to Banner right now about drafting him.

Fact is, injuries have plagued him... a lot. To point that he just isn't the same player from the 08-09 seasons.
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I know that exhawg will like this but I don't understand all the rumors about Harrison possibly coming to the Browns. I know it would be a homecoming for him but he is getting a little long in the tooth for me and I wonder what the contract would look like. Maybe he could take a couple shots at his former:bonk: QB
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BUCK3YE5;2314112; said:
Apparently Browns have interest in Antoine Winfield!

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LitlBuck;2314115; said:
I know that exhawg will like this but I don't understand all the rumors about Harrison possibly coming to the Browns. I know it would be a homecoming for him but he is getting a little long in the tooth for me and I wonder what the contract would look like. Maybe he could take a couple shots at his former:bonk: QB

Fuck James Harrison. I'd rather continue losing without him than win with him.
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Fuck Harrison. We don't need or want that dirty garbage. I also can't consider him playing at Kent yet coming to Cleveland a "home-coming"...

I don't give a damn if Winfield only see's snaps as a nickel - seeing him in a Browns uni would be sweet as hell. 35? Still a baller. Plus you would have a great defensive leader that could pass the torch to Haden.
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