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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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Couldn't agree more with the Avril-Ellerbe>Kruger statement....Makes sense too since Freeney is out of Indy...Just worry about Kruger to Indy and we don't get Ellerbe but I definitely want Cliff Avril...Legit pass rusher!
I think our chances with Avril are excellent if everything that I am reading is anywhere near correct. How good is the WR from San Diego?
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LitlBuck;2313638; said:
I think our chances with Avril are excellent if everything that I am reading is anywhere near correct. How good is the WR from San Diego?

hes great when he can get on the field...hes had alot of injurys in the past but he has alot of talent...he was great for SD in the 2nd half of last season
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I think our chances with Avril are excellent if everything that I am reading is anywhere near correct. How good is the WR from San Diego?
Rumors from the OBR

It would be very nice if some of these came true.

The Browns have reached out to the agent of Louis Vasquez.

Browns have shown interest in WR Danario Alexander

Browns are expected to inquire about RFA DE/OLB Rob Jackson

Browns have made contact with the agent for OLB Paul Kruger

In contact with the agent for Brandon Myers.

In contact with the agent for CB Antoine Cason

Browns have been in contact with Ellerbe's agent

The Browns have been in contact with the agent for CB Sean Smith

The Browns have been in contact with the agent for CB Rogers-Cromartie

The Browns have been in contact with the agent for CB Keenan Lewis.
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Danario is a great talent when he's healthy. Already in a short time shown to be a reliable #2 WR. If the price is right, that is a simply a great move.

Out of that list I'd like Ellerbe (not gonna happen though) - Sean Smith (possible) Keenan Lewis (very possible) and Vasquez.
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Danario is a great talent when he's healthy. Already in a short time shown to be a reliable #2 WR. If the price is right that is a simply a great move.

Out of that list I'd like Ellerbe (not gonna happen though) - Sean Smith (possible) Keenan Lewis (very possible) and Vasquez.
Not on the list but they also contacted Avril and it would not shock me if you were the first to come on board. It looks like the Browns are going to be very active in free agency from what I have read. Oh, instead of Vazquez you might think about Schwartz's brother who is a free agent from Minnesota Geoff. Oh what the hell get both of them.
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LitlBuck;2313700; said:
Not on the list but they also contacted Avril and it would not shock me if you were the first to come on board. It looks like the Browns are going to be very active in free agency from what I have read.

If Avril can adjust his attitude, work ethic and re-dedicate himself to being an every-down player, then I'm all for it.
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Buckeneye;2313697; said:
Danario is a great talent when he's healthy. Already in a short time shown to be a reliable #2 WR. If the price is right, that is a simply a great move.

Out of that list I'd like Ellerbe (not gonna happen though) - Sean Smith (possible) Keenan Lewis (very possible) and Vasquez.

absolutely no to sean smith. that guy is terrible. he is the exact opposite of the type of player that a team that uses metrics and stat analysis signs. he was beaten like a mule last year.
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According to Pokorny at Dawgs by Nature
Players the Browns Are Showing Interest In

Wide Receiver
Danario Alexander, San Diego Chargers (RFA)
Julian Edelman, New England Patriots

Tight End
Jared Cook, Tennessee Titans
Brandon Myers, Oakland Raiders

Offensive Guard
Louis Vasquez, San Diego Chargers
Geoff Schwartz, Minnesota Vikings ("Inside Track" per the OBR)

Defensive Tackle / Defensive End
Ricky Jean Francois, San Francisco 49ers
Jason Jones, Seattle Seahawks

Defensive End / Outside Linebacker
Cliff Avril, Detroit Lions
Paul Kruger, Baltimore Ravens

Inside Linebacker
Dannell Ellerbe, Baltimore Ravens

Antoine Cason, San Diego Chargers
Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie, Philadelphia Eagles
Greg Toler, Arizona Cardinals
Keenan Lewis, Pittsburgh Steelers
Captain Munnerlyn, Carolina Panthers
Sean Smith, Miami Dolphins (Note: Reports have since said this is untrue)

The bold players are the ones he thinks the browns should go after per this article
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I read a link to an article on 11W that says the Browns are "closing in" on Paul Kruger....One player I think we should sign is Louis Vasquez..the SD guard...he is only 25 years old and very solid...Also the possible addition of Jared Cook excites me...

Side note: in the later portion of the draft I'd like to see a change of pace back to compliment TR3...
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I'll take Gillislie in the later rounds. Though Hardesty ran well
Last year when given his carries.

Kruger would be nice, but I'm cautious of the price tag. Now if we can
Steal Keenan Lewis and Vazquez - holy shit, we could win the AFC north.
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