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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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Son of a... ?!


For the past year a film crew from Hollywood was planning to make a movie about the Buffalo Bills.
Lights, cameras and actors were all set to descend on Ralph Wilson Stadium.

But not anymore.

The project has now fallen through with the film studio changing its plans. The movie entitled Draft Day, a fictional drama that was supposed to be about the Bills will now be shot in Cleveland and be based on the Browns.

You win again, Cleveland.
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I don't know what Adam Kaplan reputation is but according to a interview that I listened to he said that the Browns would go after Matt Moore, Brian Hoyer, or Chase Daniels to give competition to Weeden.

He also stated that Avril is almost a lock for the Browns. Did not use those exact words but close to it. Said that the Browns will probably sign 3-4 free agents by the end of next week and then will wait for the price to come down on guys. Said that Banner is a master at doing this in regards to working with the salary cap.
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Terry Pluto has been talking about bringing in Moore as well, so there could be some truth to it. Not crazy about it, but Pluto thinks McCoy is gone and they would need a viable backup.
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Bucklion;2312439; said:
Terry Pluto has been talking about bringing in Moore as well, so there could be some truth to it. Not crazy about it, but Pluto thinks McCoy is gone and they would need a viable backup.

He will definitely be gone, he does not fit into the vertical pass offense that is going to be put in at all. He could be a viable backup for a team that runs a WCO.
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Mike80;2312450; said:
So what are they going to do with weeden? :evil:

You say that...but what if someone said 1st round pick Matt Barkley? If I recall many browns fans thought the Weeden pick could have been better used at any other position, and get MB this year. I still think Weeded is going to turn out to be a solid QB for the browns.
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LitlBuck;2312617; said:
Supposedly Moore has been re-signed by the Dolphins and there is some talk that Hoyer might be tendered by the Cardinals so it might just come down to Daniels.

I don't understand why the Browns are interested in Bryant, DT from Oakland. If he would sign him what does that say about Rubin. Banner says he is going to spend so it should be interesting.


it would say nothing about rubin as rubin is likely to play NT and bryant would be a 3-4 DE. What it would say is that cleveland wasn't going to just rely on Billy Winn and phil taylor as their sole DE's next year.
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tsteele316;2312623; said:
it would say nothing about rubin as rubin is likely to play NT and bryant would be a 3-4 DE. What it would say is that cleveland wasn't going to just rely on Billy Winn and phil taylor as their sole DE's next year.

Are you thinking Hughes will be the backup NT? Not sure if Kitchen would float between all 3 spots on the line as well or settle at one.

Juqua Parker is still a solid 3-4 DE, but I know there have been whispers if he'll stay or not.
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tsteele316;2312623; said:
it would say nothing about rubin as rubin is likely to play NT and bryant would be a 3-4 DE. What it would say is that cleveland wasn't going to just rely on Billy Winn and phil taylor as their sole DE's next year.

Isn't Taylor a lot bigger than Rubin? I figured he would be the run down NT.

I think between those 2 Winn and Hughes the NT and DE's are pretty well covered. On passing downs Sheard will probably bump down to DE and they'll bring in another pass rusher at OLB. I guess they would need one more 3-4 DE just for depth, but I don't think they need to spend a bunch of money on one.
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LitlBuck;2312617; said:
Supposedly Moore has been re-signed by the Dolphins and there is some talk that Hoyer might be tendered by the Cardinals so it might just come down to Daniels.

Just bring back Anderson and call it a day. He's cheap, has experience with Chud, and fits what they want in a QB. There is no point of throwing money at a guy just to have a "competition". Maybe draft Zac Dysert in a lower round if they want some young blood in the mix.
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exhawg;2312631; said:
Isn't Taylor a lot bigger than Rubin? I figured he would be the run down NT.

I think between those 2 Winn and Hughes the NT and DE's are pretty well covered. On passing downs Sheard will probably bump down to DE and they'll bring in another pass rusher at OLB. I guess they would need one more 3-4 DE just for depth, but I don't think they need to spend a bunch of money on one.

taylor is taller with a much bigger wing span, which makes him far more suited to play 3-4 DE. Winn is presumably the other DE. Rubin was very good as a 3-4 NT under Mangini. Hughes is your backup NT. That's basically it along the DL. Where Rubin is not great is getting pressure in pass rush situations. so, if cleveland went to a straight pass rush line up, then Rubin would come off the field.

so, they definitely need another 3-4 DE. Bryant is hardly going to command top dollar. seems like a logical target.
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bigdog3300;2312630; said:
Are you thinking Hughes will be the backup NT? Not sure if Kitchen would float between all 3 spots on the line as well or settle at one.

Juqua Parker is still a solid 3-4 DE, but I know there have been whispers if he'll stay or not.
Parker is a little long in the tooth and his more suited to a 4-3 DE. He is history.

exhawg;2312635; said:
Just bring back Anderson and call it a day. He's cheap, has experience with Chud, and fits what they want in a QB. There is no point of throwing money at a guy just to have a "competition". Maybe draft Zac Dysert in a lower round if they want some young blood in the mix.
Yeah, might as well but maybe he still remembers his last game in the Stadium. Dysert does have a big-time arm.
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