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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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Patrick Bateman;2311098; said:
I hate the franchise tag...shaping up to be another lackluster free agency for the Brownies...As if it wasn't going to be anyway....

i will strongly disagree with this statement...this FA season will be better then anything of the manging/shumur era
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y0yoyoin;2311109; said:
i will strongly disagree with this statement...this FA season will be better then anything of the manging/shumur era

Yep and it's not like the draft is going to bring a ton of exciting players in either....

FA might surprise some people....the cap cuts have only really started.
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In looking at Prisco's top free agents on defense, I was wondering if the Browns would have enough money to sign the following on my choices:

Kruger (OLB/RDE)
Goldston (FS) or Moore (from Atlanta) or Phillips from New York Giants
Lewis (CB) from Steelers
Butler (OLB) from Dallas or Groves from Arizona

On offense I might look at

Amendola (WR) from St. Louis
Cook (TE) from Tennessee or Myers from Oakland
Schwartz (OG) from Minnesota or Vasquez from San Diego

This is just a wish list.
Most of these guys are fairly young and would not break the bank I don't think. Now back to your regular scheduled programming:biggrin2:
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I don't get it. Banner and Haslam didn't want to seem like complete retards so they hire LOLBardi as VP... Knowing down the line they'd just "promote" him so it wouldn't make quite a splash and further alienate an already tired fan base.

Good move. Jackasses. IF its possible to make this team any worse, somehow this clown will find a way.
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Buckeneye;2311479; said:
I don't get it. Banner and Haslam didn't want to seem like complete retards so they hire LOLBardi as VP... Knowing down the line they'd just "promote" him so it wouldn't make quite a splash and further alienate an already tired fan base.

Good move. Jackasses. IF its possible to make this team any worse, somehow this clown will find a way.

So people were complaining that Lombardi was the defacto gm. Now he's given that title so they can bring in a guy some people wanted for gm from the start and people are still complaining.
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tsteele316;2311486; said:
So people were complaining that Lombardi was the defacto gm. Now he's given that title so they can bring in a guy some people wanted for gm from the start and people are still complaining.

I like Farmer on this staff. He'll bring some serious common sense in terms of player evaluation.

My complaint is the fact that the front office has done nothing but insult the intelligence of many by hiring someone as "VP" - knowing full well his true function in the organization. Only to just slap the tag on him later.

Just so we're clear, I'm a Cleveland lifer - I'll bitch all I want until the results on the field change.

edit: And even then, I'll still find a reason to complain. So get used to it.
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Buckeneye;2311497; said:
Just so we're clear, I'm a Cleveland lifer - I'll bitch all I want until the results on the field change.

This is my approach. How many times have we been sold we're heading in the right direction in the last 13 years? Until I see actual results, I'm convinced this team will fail into perpetuity. :lol:
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If we're going after Avril then no point in Kruger.
Besides, doesn't Cliff have problems holding up against
The run?

This does put Detroit in an interesting situation. If Avril
Leaves or comes here they'll be awfully thin on the Dline
Especially DE.

Does that press them into taking Werner?? Oakland will
Go big Dline early.

Very slim possibility Milliner could fall too 6.
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Buckeneye;2312140; said:
If we're going after Avril then no point in Kruger.
Besides, doesn't Cliff have problems holding up against
The run?

This does put Detroit in an interesting situation. If Avril
Leaves or comes here they'll be awfully thin on the Dline
Especially DE.

Does that press them into taking Werner?? Oakland will
Go big Dline early.

Very slim possibility Milliner could fall too 6.

I'd like to think they are that smart, but I have a hard time believing the Browns FO if smart enough to rig the draft so Milliner falls to them. Hopefully we get lucky, but I'd be looking for a FA CB.
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Buckeneye;2311497; said:
I like Farmer on this staff. He'll bring some serious common sense in terms of player evaluation.

My complaint is the fact that the front office has done nothing but insult the intelligence of many by hiring someone as "VP" - knowing full well his true function in the organization. Only to just slap the tag on him later.

Just so we're clear, I'm a Cleveland lifer - I'll bitch all I want until the results on the field change.

edit: And even then, I'll still find a reason to complain. So get used to it.

I'm a Cleveland lifer too. But I'm not so miserable to whine about inconsequential things just so I have something to whine about.
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