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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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Buckeneye;2314081; said:
Toler is reportedly not leaving 'Zona... so....yeah.

From an overall player standpoint I'm in favor or Kruger over Avril. Again because Cliff is such a liability against the run. Kruger will be pricey though. Which I don't like. If we get Keenan Lewis there will be no need for Cason, who I don't like anyway - so that doesn't bother me.

Vazquez will be bank as well. Point well made, its a lot of $$ invested in the Oline. I'm still anxious to hear about our talks with Danario Alexander. Gordon, him & Little might give us (literally) one of the largest WR corps in the NFL.

If the reports on Jones and his Stenosis being cleared hold true, then we have our option of him or Milliner at #6. I can't see both being gone by then, if so - I'm all for trading down and picking up Vacarro.

What's this talk on trading Sheard btw?
Toler has changed his mind and is supposedly leaving Arizona so he and Groves might be coming to join their old coach.
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some Kruger stats

Jeff Ratcliffe@JeffRatcliffe
Here's some Paul Kruger stats from 2012: 70.8% of his snaps came at LB, 29.2% at DE

Jeff Ratcliffe@JeffRatcliffe
Kruger recorded a tackle on 5.6% of his snaps (42 total tackles), and missed 19.2% of his tackle attempts - 10 MTs in 52 tackle attempts.

Jeff Ratcliffe@JeffRatcliffe
Kruger rushed the QB on 48% of his snaps recording 55 QB pressures, and converting 9 for sacks in the regular season
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tsteele316;2314176; said:
rumor is that cleveland might sign captain mutterlyn rather quickly as well. he'd be a slot cb, thereby leaving buster skrine on the bench.

Buckeneye;2314182; said:
I'd almost rather have DRC.

LitlBuck;2314187; said:
He is not a slot cover guy is he? I would prefer a outside cornerback and he would command a little more money.

1. Don't lose sight of "Buster Skrine on the Bench"

2. Who says they are only gonna sign one CB? (Maybe they are, but, remember, Buster Skrine on the bench)
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