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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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So the DL sets up as....

Taylor, Rubin, Bryant - Winn, Hughes, Kitchen as the 2 deep? Yeah, I'm happy with that :) Add a safety and at least one corner in the rest of FA and the draft and the defense is the best in the AFC North which is really saying something.
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LitlBuck;2314520; said:
According to this site the Browns have about $16 million still available to spend in free agency. It has been calculated to include the rookie pool and estimated re-signings. It includes a contract for Kruger, Bryant, Groves, and Barnidge (TE from Carolina who is about to sign)


$10 million in re-signings has to assume contract extensions for guys like mack, ward, or haden. that number is awfully high otherwise.

but the deals are pretty smart with so much guaranteed money and roster bonus money coming early in the contracts.

it also should be noted that between dimitri patterson, frosty rucker, and other castoffs, the browns have like $6-7 million in dead money this year as well.
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$10 million in re-signings has to assume contract extensions for guys like mack, ward, or haden. that number is awfully high otherwise.

but the deals are pretty smart with so much guaranteed money and roster bonus money coming early in the contracts.

it also should be noted that between dimitri patterson, frosty rucker, and other castoffs, the browns have like $6-7 million in dead money this year as well.
What is exactly "dead money"? Never quite understood that. Does that mean it cannot be used this year? Taking your numbers into consideration how much space do we have left for free agency this year. Thanks.
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LitlBuck;2314533; said:
What is exactly "dead money"? Never quite understood that. Does that mean it cannot be used this year? Taking your numbers into consideration how much space do we have left for free agency this year. Thanks.

basically when you cut a guy, he still gets the guaranteed money from his contract, it's just accelerated to the current cap year. so if ruckwer was owed another $4 million in guaranteed money over the final 3 years of his contract when he was cut, that is $4 million in dead money for this current year. here's the link with the browns dead money listed for this year. it's $6.7 million total.

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I'm happy with the job the FO is doing so far...I lost all respect for Tom Heckert and Ill tell ya why:

I was watching STO one day and they were having their Celebrity Golf Scramble show with local Cleveland figures...None other than Tom Heckert participated in this and was wearing shorts....I know this is crazy but it made me remember an episode of The Sopranos when Tony was having a cookout and made NY guys were there....The NY boss told him " a Don doesn't wear shorts"....Heckert didn't look like an NFL executive to me at that moment...He looked like your best friend you bowl with and installs cable for a living...

Couldn't help but posting this because today I saw Joe Banner and he just looks like a shrewd business man and an NFL executive...Some people just exude confidence and an "I'm smarter than you" feel to them...I see this in Banner and truly believe he will right this ship....
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I like the laid back approach of Heckert - and he was great at evaluating talent.

If you're basing you're not liking of someone on their choice of clothes during a golf outing then I'm honestly not sure where you're at in life...
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Patrick Bateman;2314600; said:
I'm happy with the job the FO is doing so far...I lost all respect for Tom Heckert and Ill tell ya why:

I was watching STO one day and they were having their Celebrity Golf Scramble show with local Cleveland figures...None other than Tom Heckert participated in this and was wearing shorts....I know this is crazy but it made me remember an episode of The Sopranos when Tony was having a cookout and made NY guys were there....The NY boss told him " a Don doesn't wear shorts"....Heckert didn't look like an NFL executive to me at that moment...He looked like your best friend you bowl with and installs cable for a living...

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Patrick Bateman;2314600; said:
I'm happy with the job the FO is doing so far...I lost all respect for Tom Heckert and Ill tell ya why:

I was watching STO one day and they were having their Celebrity Golf Scramble show with local Cleveland figures...None other than Tom Heckert participated in this and was wearing shorts....I know this is crazy but it made me remember an episode of The Sopranos when Tony was having a cookout and made NY guys were there....The NY boss told him " a Don doesn't wear shorts"....Heckert didn't look like an NFL executive to me at that moment...He looked like your best friend you bowl with and installs cable for a living...

Couldn't help but posting this because today I saw Joe Banner and he just looks like a shrewd business man and an NFL executive...Some people just exude confidence and an "I'm smarter than you" feel to them...I see this in Banner and truly believe he will right this ship....

I once went on a date with a girl who said the song "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel changed her life. For some reason this post reminded me of that.
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Hey now..I was just saying that I think Banner is all business it seems and Heckert as afor mentioned took a laid back approach...

I havent heard any grumblings about anything today except the Browns resigning Ogbonayya and Jordan Norwood...Also the Carolina TE signing...

I completely agree the Chud/Turner offense needs that vertical TE that I dont see on our roster...I was really hoping on the offensive side of the ball we get an OG, a receiving TE, and a slot receiver...Maybe we will?

Defensively I love the signings but need CB and safety help...Its only day 2 of free agency..Im just glad we arent signing the Eric Bartons, the Frostee Ruckers, or the Ted Washingtons of the world....I apologize about the random musings....Ill stay on topic
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