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Cleveland Browns (2012 season)

OH10;2211115; said:
I'm going to live an amoral life of sex and debauchery just so I can go to hell, find Art Modell, and skull[censored] the [Mark May] out of him into eternity.

Well, I was going to live that life anyway.

Its called hell for a reason... The exact opposite would happen. You'd be getting fucked by him for eternity while watching the Ravens win the super bowl and the cle/philly game from yesterday
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I just get a feeling that Big Mike's days are numbered in Cleveland:)

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Presumptive Browns majority owner Jimmy Haslam, who plans to establish a presence in Cleveland, has stepped down as the CEO of his family-owned Pilot Flying J to become the company's chairman.
The company announced Tuesday that PepsiCo president John Compton will become the new CEO.

The announcement comes less than two months after news broke that Haslam intended to purchase the Browns for a reported $1 billion.

Haslam had served as Pilot CEO since 1994, turning a business founded by his father into one of the nation's largest privately held companies. He is expected to be approved by the NFL as the Browns new majority owner on Oct. 16.

Since the deal was finalized, Haslam has been a frequent visitor to the Browns training facility and he attended the regular-season opener on Sunday. He and his wife, Dee, are close to purchasing a home in the area even as he's expected to split time between here and Knoxville, Tenn., where Pilot Flying J is based.
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This is good plus we get Fujita for this week. Now we are cooking:bonk: are

The Browns signed former Arizona offensive lineman D.J. Young to the practice squad Tuesday and released former Ohio State offensive lineman Jeff Shugarts from the practice squad. Young, 6-5, 300 pounds, spent most of last season on the Cardinals’ practice squad.
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LitlBuck;2212286; said:
I just get a feeling that Big Mike's days are numbered in Cleveland:)


It will be nice (hopefully) to have an owner that wants to take part in the day to day operations of the team. It sounds like he wants to do things similar to how the Steelers do it, but the problem is he would have to bring in his own people first, which means another full turnover in the FO and coaching staff. It will be interesting to see how the season plays out, but I have the feeling Big Mike will be gone at the very least.
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exhawg;2212295; said:
It will be nice (hopefully) to have an owner that wants to take part in the day to day operations of the team. It sounds like he wants to do things similar to how the Steelers do it, but the problem is he would have to bring in his own people first, which means another full turnover in the FO and coaching staff. It will be interesting to see how the season plays out, but I have the feeling Big Mike will be gone at the very least.

According to this article, it looks like they will be appointing Banner as the new president as soon as Haslam takes over complete ownership.
The Cleveland Browns will name Joe Banner the team's top executive when Jim Haslam officially takes over as owner next month, according to Jason La Canfora of CBS Sports. The league still has to approve of Haslam's purchase of the team at meetings next month.
more Browns

I am not exactly sure what type of relationship Banner and Heckert had in Philadelphia so it might not be a complete fraud office turnover because I certainly would Heckert to remain as general manager. Still unsure about Shurmur but that probably will be Banner's call also.

Buckeneye;2212302; said:
I heard somewhere Haslam had been sitting in the Dawg Pound during one of the games he attended. ??

If so - he's got my vote right there.
He sat there for one half of the Browns first exhibition game. I do not think he sat there this past Sunday. At least there was no mention of it.
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LitlBuck;2212322; said:
I am not exactly sure what type of relationship Banner and Heckert had in Philadelphia so it might not be a complete fraud office turnover because I certainly would Heckert to remain as general manager. Still unsure about Shurmur but that probably will be Banner's call also.

I'm pretty sure about Shurmur. Assuming this year goes as bad as expected and the offense continues to set records for futility, he'll be out. Hopefully.
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OH10;2212328; said:
I'm pretty sure about Shurmur. Assuming this year goes as bad as expected and the offense continues to set records for futility, he'll be out. Hopefully.
From their Eagles days, Shumur and Heckert were pretty tight so if one would go I might think the other might also.

Maybe Heckert leaving would not be all bad since he wants to build through the draft and Haslam might want to bring in some nice free agents which would expedite this loonnng building process.

I am getting a little impatient trying to build through the draft. Let's spend some money as long as it isn't mine.
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LitlBuck;2212334; said:
From their Eagles days, Shumur and Heckert were pretty tight so if one would go I might think the other might also.

Maybe Heckert leaving would not be all bad since he wants to build through the draft and Haslam might want to bring in some nice free agents which would expedite this loonnng building process.

I am getting a little impatient trying to build through the draft. Let's spend some money as long as it isn't mine.

dropping tons of cash in FA the last few years would have been pissing money down the drain.
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