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Cleveland Browns (2012 season)

LitlBuck;2212340; said:
I did not say bring in quantity but a couple quality free agents might have been nice. I mean you can build through the draft but only so far and how long do you want to wait:huh:

you wait until you only have a few needs to bring in quality FA. the last two years, trying to bring in high priced FA was akin to putting a band aid on a bullet wound. now, it looks like cleveland has a decent DL rotation and some potential at the LB spots. if skrine continues to progress than the cb spot is in good shape.

looking back at the guys people wanted cleveland to go out and drop tons of coin on, they would be a waste of cash.

cleveland also is still $13 million under the cap, with the contracts of fujita, brown, and a few others coming off the books, which would free up enough cash to get extensions done for haden and mack and even ward and still give them room.
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Mary Kay Cabot ‏ @ MaryKayCabot
# Browns Shurmur said he'll keep his plans on how to cover # Bengals A.J. Green without Haden to himself.

Didn't they try a variation of this last year? Don't tell anybody what you're gonna do, watch helplessly as the Bengals quick snap it and throw it deep while Haden is absent and confused teammates trail far behind?

What's old is new again I guess.
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At least the Browns have room for growth according to the NFL:slappy:
According to the NFL, the Browns are the shortest, lightest, youngest and least-experienced team in the AFC.

Joe Thomas with a quote that cannot be argued with:(
"We haven't beaten a lot of teams the last few years," Thomas said. "If we're ever going to be the playoff team we want to be, we have to win in the AFC North."
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Bucklion;2213469; said:
All we need him to do is coach everything but the defense, play QB, LT, LG, RG, WR, FB in passing situations, OLB, and maybe nickel back for a month. I think he can handle it.

So we need to clone 11 copies of Joe Thomas, 11 Joe Haden's (maybe 22 in case of suspension), 8 D'Qwell Jackson's, and 4 each of Rubin, Taylor and Sheard. Somebody get on that.
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