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Cleveland Browns (2012 season)

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Buckeneye's 2013 Draft List.


Sheldon Brown is getting worked. Trevin Wade is at least in the WR's pocket if he gives up catches. Haden is going to the Pro-Bowl this year.

Oline looks shakey. Need continuity & talent. Lavaou scares me. Consistency isn't there. Wish we could see what type of impact TR3 would have in taken some of the heat off Weeden.

I like the effort by Billy Winn. Kid has been a steal for a 6th rounder. JMJ leaving his coverage on Celek in the 1st was just a dumb mistake. Stay at home defense, gentlemen.

This team is still a ways off. Recievers are still dropping to many passes. On the up side - Gordon has made a few nice grabs. That's always great to see. Little needs more polish on those routes and time with Weeden.

The core peices are here. Just need the supporting cast.
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Buckeneye;2199518; said:
Buckeneye's 2013 Draft List.


Sheldon Brown is getting worked. Trevin Wade is at least in the WR's pocket if he gives up catches. Haden is going to the Pro-Bowl this year.

Oline looks shakey. Need continuity & talent. Lavaou scares me. Consistency isn't there. Wish we could see what type of impact TR3 would have in taken some of the heat off Weeden.

I like the effort by Billy Winn. Kid has been a steal for a 6th rounder. JMJ leaving his coverage on Celek in the 1st was just a dumb mistake. Stay at home defense, gentlemen.

This team is still a ways off. Recievers are still dropping to many passes. On the up side - Gordon has made a few nice grabs. That's always great to see. Little needs more polish on those routes and time with Weeden.

The core peices are here. Just need the supporting cast.

1.) QB
2.) WR
3.) OL

until these are addressed... not gonna matter what the D looks like if we can't do anything on offense.
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Greg Little looked lost all game...he had better get that fixed. This game was a camel castration, but considering it was preseason against a team we play in 2 weeks, I didn't expect them to do much. Of course, I did expect them to try and hang onto the ball and protect some...
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Bucklion;2199601; said:
Greg Little looked lost all game...he had better get that fixed. This game was a camel castration, but considering it was preseason against a team we play in 2 weeks, I didn't expect them to do much. Of course, I did expect them to try and hang onto the ball and protect some...

cleveland looked like they thought this would be a glorified walkthrough after they smoked green bay and philly was on a short rest. instead of going through the motions and worrying about week 1, philly came out and punched them in the cock, repeatedly.
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Mitchell Schwartz looked completely overmatched. Felt bad for Weeden as he was continually pressured from the right side as if there was a swinging gate on that side of the line.

Right now, the Browns probably need to hold onto Colt, b/c if their line is going to be that shitty, they will need the mobility.

I'm still pretty confused as to why Evan Moore gets third string treatment. All he does when he is out there is catch the ball. Yet he gets little to no time. I know his blocking sucks, but as a flex end he has value. And they're talking about cutting him...? I don't get it.
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The ride side of the Oline does hurt. Like I said, I think a RG is in order for the next draft. But Sheldon was beaten like a rented mule most of the time he was in. CB has to be a priority. Either that or focus on the pass rush.
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Probably means he will be traded in the next couple weeks. Also, they finally waived Carlton Mitchell.

BEREA, Ohio -- Browns coach Pat Shurmur sounds like he's leaning toward keeping quarterback Colt McCoy as his backup. Before practice on Sunday, he praised McCoy effusively -- the most positive comments he's made about him all preseason.

"I think he's done an outstanding job here in training camp,'' said Shurmur. "I'm very pleased with where he's at.
more http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2012/08/cleveland_browns_coach_pat_shu_26.html
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I only watched the first offensive series of the game after I had already heard they got shelled. I was expecting everyone to look like shit, but Weeden looked really good except for Pinkston being a complete waste of space on that series. He made 2 or 3 really good throws and the pass and catch to Gordon was great. Hopefully that is a sign of things to come for both of them. The biggest key for the Browns is to find a way to open holes for Richardson and protect Weeden. IMO Weeden might be the best QB the Browns have had since they've been back, but they have to protect him.

I really hope they don't cut Evan Moore. He has always impressed me. If they do cut him he'll probably sign with a team like Denver and be a star.
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