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Cleveland Browns (2012 season)

Bucklion;2195655; said:
What if...Cleveland can win every game...that does...not...count...


Fuck, I'll take it.

I will say this... it was a reasonably tight performance (other than the WR drops, but, what the fuck do you want) even by the 2nd and 3rd teams... meaning, not a lot of mental errors, generally organized, and pretty aggressive all around on D. (Though, once you saw one Harrell duck, pass coverage became optional). They don't look super talented, obviously, but, at least it wasn't a Romeo Crennel like trainwreck of a bunch of uncoached lunatics out there. Weeden looks better, he's a bit programmed into where he's going with the ball instead of seeing the coverage and adjusting, but, he does have a gun (not like Colt McCoy- who aquitted himself well today too) when he lets it go, and he's confident that he can make throws to spots downfield a bit (not like Brady Quinn) and has touch underneath (not like Derek Anderson).

Hey and I thought John Hughes showed up a bit, Billy Winn too... not the only ones, but, they were among the iffier picks.
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AKAK;2195660; said:
[censored], I'll take it.

I will say this... it was a reasonably tight performance (other than the WR drops, but, what the [censored] do you want) even by the 2nd and 3rd teams... meaning, not a lot of mental errors, generally organized, and pretty aggressive all around on D. (Though, once you saw one Harrell duck, pass coverage became optional). They don't look super talented, obviously, but, at least it wasn't a Romeo Crennel like trainwreck of a bunch of uncoached lunatics out there. Weeden looks better, he's a bit programmed into where he's going with the ball instead of seeing the coverage and adjusting, but, he does have a gun (not like Colt McCoy- who aquitted himself well today too) when he lets it go, and he's confident that he can make throws to spots downfield a bit (not like Brady Quinn) and has touch underneath (not like Derek Anderson).

Hey and I thought John Hughes showed up a bit, Billy Winn too... not the only ones, but, they were among the iffier picks.

47 and 41 had the 2 best games IMO...they were all over the field making plays. Ventrone on ST was an especially big highlight. Offensively, we had a fumble on the first play, 3 passes by Weeden in the first 2 drives that should have been intercepted (including 2 screens, stop fucking running them until you figure it out, Jeebus) and Cousins holding like he was clinging to a tree in a windstorm on FGs and PATs. Yet we also had some highlights, Weeden did make some nice throws, Hardesty and Jackson gained some yards, the line wasn't a disaster, and the STs were good. WRs had some drops and Gordon looks like he has never run a precise route in his life, but if he ever figures it out, he has immense size, speed, and raw ability. Moore can't block, but we have guys who can. Defensively it was a wash because Harrell sucked moose nipple all game, but I agree the line looked pretty good in spots and the secondary made some plays despite also getting burned early by Rogers. The next game will be key to their progress...they still won't beat Phily week 1, but they have to be able to not come out and get blown out 35-0 or else the whole season will be a trainwreck.
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Colt wants to be a Cleveland Brown

Good for him:bow: Get rid of Wallace:(
With first cuts looming and trade speculation swirling, Browns quarterback Colt McCoy made it clear Sunday he's still 100 percent committed to the Browns and doesn't want to leave.

"If it comes to that, if they decide to do something, [I'll deal with it] at that point," he said. "But no one has said anything to me yet, and there's no place I'd rather be than here. I'm invested in this city and this team, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

McCoy heard the rumors again last week when he was in Green Bay, that perhaps the Packers might want him as a backup to Aaron Rodgers. They're not enamored with Graham Harrell, who struggled against the Browns, and are reportedly looking into Seattle's Tarvaris Jackson. The Arizona Cardinals are also possibly pondering a new No. 2.

"You hear all of the rumors," McCoy said.
"I keep a real tight mind-set that my job is quarterback for the Cleveland Browns. And I'm going to go out here and compete and give my best to this city and this organization, because this is where I was drafted, and I want to be anywhere else."
more http://www.cleveland.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/08/browns_qb_mccoy_is_commited_to.html

He saw Dr. Andrews also:) from the same link

McCoy said that in addition to grasping the West Coast offense, his arm is feeling stronger than it has since severely pinching the nerve in his shoulder in January 2010. He revealed that world-renowned orthopedic surgeon Dr. James Andrews told him then that it could take years to heal completely.

"He told me, 'You can play, but this could be a two- to three-year ultimate recovery where you feel completely 100 percent,'" said McCoy. "And I think I've almost reached that point where the ball is coming out sharp. I'm pretty accurate. I'm putting the ball where I want to put it. My teammates have been saying I'm on point.

"It's a combination of nearing the point where Dr. Andrews said I'd feel really good, and I'm seeing things quicker."
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I see Vick managed to get himself dinged up again. With 2 more pre-season games to go I wonder if the Eagles will sit him? If not, considering his pension for injury, I wonder what kind of chance the Browns could have of winning if he isn't full go by the opener.
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Buckeneye;2197437; said:
I see Vick managed to get himself dinged up again. With 2 more pre-season games to go I wonder if the Eagles will sit him? If not, considering his pension for injury, I wonder what kind of chance the Browns could have of winning if he isn't full go by the opener.

I think it's time for the Eagles to question if Vick is still Vick. He's old enough that he has probably lost a step by now and it's not like he was ever a great QB to begin with. If he lost the elite speed and quickness he is going to get destroyed trying to sit in the pocket and pass the ball. I haven't watched their preseason games or highlights, but it sounds like he's gotten dinged both games. I doubt he'll play the final two.

Give the Browns a healthy Sheard, Rubin, and Rucker and see what they can bring, but if Vick tries to sit in the pocket and pass the ball I feel good about the Browns D.
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stowfan;2197259; said:
I agree, Colt's looked good. BTW, I give the Browns performance on Thursday a 6 out 10. The bad news, last night I gave the Steelers a 9 out of 10:(
Well, if Shurmur isn't bluffing either Colt or Wallace is history.
Browns coach Pat Shurmur indicated Monday that he'll keep second-year pro Thad Lewis as his developmental third quarterback, meaning either Colt McCoy or Seneca Wallace will have to go.
more http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2012/08/progress_of_quarterback_thad_l.html
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LitlBuck;2197493; said:
Well, if Shurmur isn't bluffing either Colt or Wallace is history.
more http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2012/08/progress_of_quarterback_thad_l.html

One has to go. Between the too of them they make too much money for a 2nd and 3rd string QB. I would guess they'll move Colt if they get an offer that blows them away. If not they cut Wallace. Colt may still have trade value in the future and I would feel better putting him in the game rather than Wallace if something were to happen to Weeden.
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Oh, for fucks sake... :shake: Kicked out of football practice for tackling? Every time I think the Browns have exhausted every possible way to embarrass themselves, they prove me wrong. These candyasses deserve every loss coming their way this season.


Browns CB Haden kicked out of practice

BEREA, Ohio (AP) -- Joe Haden's training camp ended before any of his Browns teammates were finished.

Arguably Cleveland's best defensive player, Haden was kicked off the practice field Wednesday by coach Pat Shurmur, who felt the cornerback was being too physical with rookie wide receiver Travis Benjamin during a passing drill on the final day of workouts open to fans.

Haden was ordered to leave roughly an hour into the practice by an angry

Shurmur, who declined to provide details of the incident during his news conference.

"I'm not going to talk about it," Shurmur said. "That's between me and the player. I have a great deal of respect for Joe. If you want details, you're going to have to find it on Twitter.

"My only apology is that I used bad language and the fans were here to see it. Joe's a great competitor and I appreciate what he does and who he is and that's the last you'll hear me talk about it."

Shurmur didn't even let a reporter finish a follow-up question.

"Don't ask," he snapped. "Don't ask."

During 7-on-7 drills, Benjamin caught a touchdown pass in the back of the end zone when he was taken down by Haden, who unsuccessfully tried to strip the ball and then yanked on the back of Benjamin's jersey. After being ejected by Shurmur, Haden removed his helmet and shoulder pads and quickly headed into the locker room.

Shurmur's annoyance with Haden could be understandable given the rash of injuries that have plagued the Browns since camp opened last month.

Benjamin recently missed time with an undisclosed injury, and 13 players, including rookie running back Trent Richardson, sat out Wednesday's workout. Richardson recently underwent knee surgery, On Monday, running back Chris Ogbonnaya sustained a leg injury when he got tangled at the end of a play.

Shurmur said player safety is his primary concern.

"It's important that we practice smart," he said. "You have to be able to practice at game speed, and you win and lose in practice. I think it's important that guys understand that. I want all of our guys to make it to the horse race."

Browns linebacker D'Qwell Jackson acknowledged that at the end of camp emotions may have contributed to the incident between Shurmur and Haden.

"Both guys, I think they both realize after they settled down it was a little bit overboard," Jackson said. "But things happen and words were said, and once we get in the locker room it'll be over with."
Now if Shurmur wanted to kick him out for letting one of the Browns' shit WRs catch a TD pass against him, that might be something I could get behind.
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jlb1705;2198216; said:
Oh, for fucks sake... :shake: Kicked out of football practice for tackling? Every time I think the Browns have exhausted every possible way to embarrass themselves, they prove me wrong. These candyasses deserve every loss coming their way this season.


Now if Shurmur wanted to kick him out for letting one of the Browns' shit WRs catch a TD pass against him, that might be something I could get behind.

considering it was a non-tackling drill and haden was told once to stop, i fail to see the issue.
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