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Cleveland Browns (2012 season)

ArmyVet83;2195393; said:
Classic!! I'm still wiping the tears away from laughing so damned hard.


"You and I know that the Browns locker room is a haven of filth and disease matched only by the outdoor toilets of central Mumbai."

:slappy: :slappy: :slappy:

The funniest things are ones with elements of truth in them...
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ArmyVet83;2195393; said:
Classic!! I'm still wiping the tears away from laughing so damned hard.


"The worst part about being a Browns fan these days is the fact that that syphilitic dickbag Art Modell will not die. I've been waiting for years to take a shit on his grave and I don't even get the satisfaction of doing that."

:slappy: Goddamn, some of these are priceless...
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OSUsushichic;2195585; said:
Did NFBuck write that? :lol:

I wish I could claim this as my magnum opus:

C for catching, a skill no Brown can do;
L for the 12 losses we'll surely accrue.
E for endzone, a place we'll never go;
V for the velocity not on a McCoy throw.
E for everywhere, our spots with holes,
L for the let down of more field goals.
A for the abysmal state of our LBs
N for the negative wind chill that makes my ass freeze.
D for the drinking problems we have concealed,
B for the bottles we threw on the field.
R for the redzone, which allegedly exists,
O for our offense, whose ineptness persists.
W for wide-outs, of which we have none,
N for my noose, or perhaps my gun.
And S is for Sunday: the day of the week I'll get out of bed, put on a my Browns' jersey, and drink my way through 60 minutes of watching a team whose offense has at most a total of one NFL-caliber receiver in the whole lot, a rookie quarterback old enough to have Alzheimer's disease, an offensive line that possesses absolutely no right side, and a running back tandem that is averaging 1 knee surgery for every 2.5 games played; and a defense that will not only always be on the field but that has an injury ravaged line, a linebacker corps that wouldn't be able to make the cut at any of the DIII schools in the area, an already thin secondary, and that will have to go up against the likes of Vick, Dalton (x2), Fitzpatrick, Eli, Luck, Rivers, Flacco (x2), Romo, Roethlisberger (x2), Palmer, Cassell, Griffin, and Peyton. Seriously. 0 and 16 isn't out of the question.

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Buckeneye;2195604; said:
What the hell? An offense in sync picking up first downs??

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exhawg;2195638; said:
Hell yeah. I'll give them Jackson as well since it looks like they have some RB issues.

Yeah, don't even have to think about it. I'm serious though... who's their 3 (I had to step away if he was just in) we don't need both our 2's. Harrell... SUCKS.
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AKAK;2195643; said:
Yeah, don't even have to think about it. I'm serious though... who's their 3 (I had to step away if he was just in) we don't need both our 2's. Harrell... SUCKS.

It's hard to figure out the worst Browns quarterback in just the last half dozen seasons...but I can say after watching tonight that Harrell might be the worst Packer QB in the last half century. My GAWD is he terrible.
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