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Cleveland Browns (2007 & prior)


If defense catches up, playoffs within reach
Bob Finnan, Morning Journal Writer

CLEVELAND -- The experts predicted that Browns coach Romeo Crennel might be facing the firing squad by the bye week.

The naysayers thought he would be facing certain doom after the rugged start to the 2007 season.

Instead, the Browns have thumbed their noses at the pundits and compiled a 3-3 record. And along with their new-found ''success,'' they are starting to use the ''P'' word in the locker room.

They smashed the winless Miami Dolphins yesterday at Cleveland Browns Stadium, 41-31, and will now have a week to lick their wounds.

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Browns beat Miami, head into break at 3-3
JEFF SCHUDEL, Morning Journal Writer

CLEVELAND -- Break out the oxygen masks and write some songs about Derek Anderson, because thanks to the quirky quarterback, the Browns are breathing the thin air of .500 in mid-October for the first time in three years.

Anderson rushed for one score and threw three touchdown passes to Braylon Edwards yesterday, but what he did not do was as important as what he did do in helping the Browns beat the Dolphins, 41-31, in Cleveland Browns Stadium.

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Edwards has let the game catch up to him
BOB FINNAN, Morning Journal Writer

CLEVELAND -- Finally, for perhaps the first time since being the No. 3 overall pick in the 2005 draft, Braylon Edwards is living up to his lofty expectations.

The talented wide receiver caught five passes for 67 yards and a career-high three touchdown passes in yesterday's 41-31 victory over Miami. It's the 10th time in franchise history a player has hauled in three TD passes.

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Browns notebook
Lewis' replacements fill in gainfully

Monday, October 15, 2007 3:25 AM
By James Walker

CLEVELAND -- The Browns persevered yesterday without running back Jamal Lewis, finding two answers in a 41-31 victory over the Miami Dolphins. Backups Jason Wright and Jerome Harrison combined for 116 yards. Wright (20 carries, 59 yards) started and scored the opening touchdown, and Harrison (eight carries, 57 yards) played well in relief.
"We expect to play with great confidence," Wright said. "No matter the situation, we expect to go down and put points up."

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Browns 41, Dolphins 31: It's a slam dunk
Everything meshes for Browns offense behind Anderson, Edwards
Monday, October 15, 2007 3:52 AM
By James Walker

Lew StampMCclaTchy Tribune
The Browns' Braylon Edwards dunks the ball over the crossbar after scoring one of his three TDs.

CLEVELAND -- The Browns and their high-powered offense are coming of age before our eyes.
Quarterback Derek Anderson and receiver Braylon Edwards were an unstoppable duo yesterday, connecting for three touchdowns in a 41-31 win over the winless Miami Dolphins.
There is a chemistry growing between the two third-year players, and it's turning into victories for the Browns. Anderson was 18 of 25 for 245 yards, and more important, he didn't have a turnover for the first time this season.

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With their remaining schedule, they should win at least 7 games this season.

Now the big question is if Anderson keeps on playing like he did yesterday and doesn't make stupid mistakes when will Brady get a chance? Or will he.
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LitlBuck;960084; said:
With their remaining schedule, they should win at least 7 games this season.

Now the big question is if Anderson keeps on playing like he did yesterday and doesn't make stupid mistakes when will Brady get a chance? Or will he.

DA is a RFA after this season. He will command a pretty big salary after his performance this year. So, it will be interesting to see if they trade DA in the offseason.
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LitlBuck;960084; said:
With their remaining schedule, they should win at least 7 games this season.

Now the big question is if Anderson keeps on playing like he did yesterday and doesn't make stupid mistakes when will Brady get a chance? Or will he.


The big question is... if Derek Anderson keeps on Playing like he did yesterday... will the Browns get their #1 pick for Quinn back? :lol:

Well... none of this is turning out the way I planned.... what happened to DA sucking out to a 1-5 start, Crennel getting fired and Quinn winning about 4 of the last 10 to give us only a tiny glimmer of hope?


Yeah... they ought to win at least 7...

Wow... isn't amazing how good your O-Line can look with a QB that actually makes his read and delivers the ball before the sun goes down?
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AKAKBUCK;960129; said:
Wow... isn't amazing how good your O-Line can look with a QB that actually makes his read and delivers the ball before the sun goes down?

Personally, I give credit to the O-Line for vast improvement as well. For what they've gone through, they're performing quite well. It's extremely promising to see a starting LT coming into his own.
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LitlBuck;960084; said:
Now the big question is if Anderson keeps on playing like he did yesterday and doesn't make stupid mistakes when will Brady get a chance? Or will he.

It's an interesting scenario. Hypothetically, if it had been Quinn racking up a 3-2 record (should have been 4-1) after that first game debacle, we'd be hailing him as the second coming. But since it's been DA, some remain skeptical.

Count me among those who would be skeptical no matter who was behind center. It's still a long season, and the Browns should give DA a long and hard look to see if he can sustain success in this offense. It's a nice problem to have, to be able to consider two people for the long-term position. And I'd hate to see the Browns put all of their eggs in either player's basket just yet.
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LitlBuck;960084; said:
With their remaining schedule, they should win at least 7 games this season.

Now the big question is if Anderson keeps on playing like he did yesterday and doesn't make stupid mistakes when will Brady get a chance? Or will he.

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AKAKBUCK;960129; said:
The big question is... if Derek Anderson keeps on Playing like he did yesterday... will the Browns get their #1 pick for Quinn back? :lol:

I brought it up yesterday during the game. Trade Quinn to get back into the 1st round next year? Dallas would have our original pick, which looks worse as the season goes (3-3, not 0-6...fingers crossed), and we end up with a higher pick than before? Oh the possibilities...:biggrin:

It's just great to even be talking stupid like this. :)
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schwab;960687; said:
I brought it up yesterday during the game. Trade Quinn to get back into the 1st round next year? Dallas would have our original pick, which looks worse as the season goes (3-3, not 0-6...fingers crossed), and we end up with a higher pick than before? Oh the possibilities...:biggrin:

It's just great to even be talking stupid like this. :)

I think it would be more of a Brees/Rivers thing. Anderson would have to really screw up to lose the job this year. If coaches/management still think that Quinn is the long term solution after this season you try to trade Anderson for a late first early second rounder or a good DL. If they aren't sure or can't get a good deal you keep them both for another year and let them fight it out. If Quinn hasn't beat out Anderson by the end of next season then Quinn will likely be the one to go.
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