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Cleveland Browns (2007 & prior)


Steeds to bring Browns Legends Budweiser Clydesdales to ferry honored guests to stadium on Sunday
By Marla Ridenour Beacon Journal sportswriter
Published on Friday, Oct 12, 2007
BEREA: New members of the Browns Legends should feel like kings on Sunday.
Defensive end Bill Glass, kicker Don Cockroft, running back Kevin Mack and Dennis Gillom, son of the late punter/receiver Horace Gillom, will arrive at noon at Cleveland Browns Stadium in fine fashion. They'll ride from the Warehouse District to Alfred Lerner Way in a replica 1903 Studebaker-built beer wagon pulled by the Budweiser Clydesdales.

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Cleveland Browns' Kellen Winslow takes mellow approach with Miami's Joey Porter

Friday, October 12, 2007Tony Grossi
Plain Dealer Reporter
Another sign of the maturity of Kellen Winslow is his reaction to Joey Porter's latest rant against him.
Last year, Winslow would try to match the former Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker insult for insult. Now he brushes off his aging nemesis with detached amusement.
"I think Joey Porter needs a hug. He's so angry, man," Winslow said on Thursday.

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Morning Journal

Winslow: 'Porter needs a hug'
JEFF SCHUDEL, Morning Journal Writer

BEREA -- Former Steeler and now Dolphin linebacker Joey Porter rekindled his personal feud with Kellen Winslow Jr. Wednesday when he said he will win his battle with Winslow Sunday, ''hands down.''

A day later in the Browns locker room, Winslow smiled and said: ''Joey Porter needs a hug.''

Porter played eight years with the Steelers before being released on March 1 in a salary cap move. He signed a five-year contract with the Dolphins six days later and so far all Miami is getting out of the deal is Porter's mouth.

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Browns notebook
Winslow: 'Porter needs a hug'

Friday, October 12, 2007 3:26 AM
By James Walker


BEREA, Ohio -- Kellen Winslow Jr. didn't intend to have a war of words with linebacker Joey Porter this week as the Browns prepare to play Porter's Dolphins. The pair have a history, and Winslow refused to comment on the subject Wednesday.

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Cleveland Browns' Josh Cribbs sets policy on returns for Miami Dolphins' Ted Ginn Jr.

Saturday, October 13, 2007 Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter
Browns all-purpose man Josh Cribbs would get as much satisfaction out of stopping Ted Ginn Jr. on a return Sunday as running one back himself.
"Yep, exactly, because I know if I stop him, I know he's not going to be ahead of me in stats and stuff like that," Cribbs said of the Miami Dolphins rookie returner. "I'll be on the guys, saying 'C'mon y'all, get him inside the 20!' and on our own kickoff return I'll be like, 'Let's take it out to the 50!' "
Cribbs, second on the team with six special-teams tackles, wouldn't admit to any extra zeal in playing against Ginn, who was picked ninth overall out of Ohio State by the Dolphins in large part because of his return ability.

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Cleveland Browns tackle Joe Thomas faces challenge with Dolphins' Jason Taylor

Saturday, October 13, 2007 Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter
Browns rookie left offensive tackle Joe Thomas is gearing up for his biggest challenge so far: an afternoon with Dolphins premier defensive end Jason Taylor, who played at the University of Akron.
Taylor, the NFL's leading sacker since 2000 with 92?, is the reigning NFL Defensive Player of the Year.
"It's obviously a great challenge for me," Thomas said. "I'm playing against the best player in the NFL on defense last year and it's going to be a great measuring stick to see where I am as far as how my game has progressed."

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Browns report
Winless Miami Dolphins dangerous for Cleveland
Going into next weekend's bye with 3-3 record would be major coup
By Marla Ridenour Beacon Journal sportswriter
Published on Saturday, Oct 13, 2007

BEREA: Starting on Monday, Browns coach Romeo Crennel talked up the matchup with the winless Miami Dolphins like his job depended on it.
''I might take a page out of (Bill) Belichick's book. They are the best offense and defense we've ever seen,'' Crennel said, referring to the tactics of his former New England Patriots boss. ''We better be at the top of our game.''
Crennel might not have been entirely joking. Although his future seems secure, at least in the short term, he continued to emphasize the importance of Sunday's battle between the Browns (2-3) and the Dolphins (0-5). That's probably because that was the tone set in team headquarters.

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Is he Wright man for now? With Lewis hurting, backup RB may get start
Saturday, October 13, 2007
By Steve Doerschuk
Repository sports writer

BEREA Suppose the Browns issued weekly awards for friendliest, most cheerful, most articulate and smartest players.

Jason Wright would be in the running for each every week.

Another category: most important.

This might be the week bright-eyed Mr. Wright contends for that.

If running back Jamal Lewis can't play Sunday against Miami - a foot injury kept him out of all but one play at New England - Wright will get another call.

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Browns have golden chance to reach .500

Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:10 AM
By James Walker


BEREA, Ohio -- The hard part is over for the Cleveland Browns.

After escaping a difficult first five games 2-3, the Browns get a much-needed breather in their schedule today when they play host to the Miami Dolphins (0-5).
Today marks the first of back-to-back games against winless teams. After a bye week, the Browns will play the St. Louis Rams (0-5), setting up a chance for Cleveland to have a winning record for the first time this season.
But today's game against Miami is the kind of trap game that can make or break a season.

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Lewis' backup becomes Wright man for the job

Reserve to get fourth start as foot injury sidelines Lewis
Sunday, October 14, 2007 Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter
So much for pounding your big, bruising tailback down the throat of the league's second-worst run defense all afternoon.
Running back Jamal Lewis has been ruled out of today's game against the 0-5 Dolphins with the strained foot he suffered on the Browns' first play in New England last Sunday.
Lewis, who's averaging 5.0 yards per carry, wore a boot all week and was unable to practice. It means the Browns will be without their 245-pound bulldozer against the NFL's 31st-ranked defense, one that's surrendering 174.2 yards per game on the ground.

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Anderson is team's MVP so far

Sunday, October 14, 2007

General Manager Phil Savage thinks this may be "the most important game" since he and Romeo Crennel took over the Browns three years ago. It's not about anyone's job being on the line or a playoff spot hanging in the balance.
It's simply about the 2-3 Browns having a chance to beat an 0-5 Miami team and go into the bye week at 3-3. While they'll never say it, you won't find many in the Browns' front office who thought that was possible when the schedule was first released - or when the team was spanked, 34-7, by Pittsburgh on opening day.
But now, it can happen.

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