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Cleveland Browns (2007 & prior)


Browns surprise Lerner Owner says quarterback decision key to success
By Marla Ridenour Beacon Journal sportswriter
Published on Thursday, Oct 18, 2007
BEREA: Browns owner Randy Lerner confessed he took the 34-7 season opening loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers about the same as any other fan.
''What was I thinking? Nothing very good, frankly,'' Lerner said.
The Browns are now 3-3 at their bye week, and their offense ranks eighth in the league. Lerner, a publicity-shy billionaire, conceded in a rare half-hour interview Wednesday that he didn't see the turnaround coming, even though he did everything he could to orchestrate it.

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Lewis eager to make return Running back, who had fussed about missing Miami game, now says holding him out the smart move
By Marla Ridenour Beacon Journal sportswriter
Published on Thursday, Oct 18, 2007
BEREA: If it had been up to him, Jamal Lewis said, he would have played last week against the Miami Dolphins.
In fact, Lewis, the Browns' top running back, is still talking about how badly he wanted to go back in after straining his right foot on his first carry Oct. 7 against the New England Patriots.

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Browns talking about the playoffs already? Believe it

Thursday, October 18, 2007Tony Grossi
Plain Dealer Reporter
The last time the Browns made the playoffs in 2002, they were 2-4 after six games.
They won seven of their last 10 - including one on a Hail Mary touchdown pass on the last play. They eked into the AFC postseason field only after two other teams won or lost in the late games of the final weekend to move the Browns through the tiebreaker labyrinth.
"This team is way better than the 2002 team. Way better," linebacker Andra Davis said Wednesday. "I think that team got a lot of good fortune. This team here can make it on its own."

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Lewis calls strain 'nothing serious'

Thursday, October 18, 2007Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter
Running back Jamal Lewis is confident his strained right foot will be ready for the St. Louis Rams on Oct. 28.
"It's nothing serious, just something that needed a little time," Lewis said. "The bye gives me two weeks and that helps."
Lewis said he was relieved when the MRI revealed no structural damage, but never really felt there was. "I knew right from the jump that there was nothing torn or broken," he said.

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Browns analysis: Lerner: QB is inspired
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Steve Doerschuk

Browns owner Randy Lerner discussed the state of the team during a meeting with the media, including The Repository?s Steve Doerschuk, on Wednesday at Browns headquarters in Berea.

What a long, strange trip the last five years have been for Randy Lerner.

He attended his father?s funeral at this time in 2002, then became owner of the Cleveland Browns.

His first game was a road win over the Jets. His first season ended with a run to the playoffs.

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Playoffs now the goal for Browns
JEFF SCHUDEL, Morning Journal Writer

BEREA -- The Browns have been in the desert so long that reaching the bye with a record of 3-3 is like finding an oasis rich in spring water.

With 10 games to play and with the Steelers (4-1) and the Ravens (4-2) their only opponents with winning records, the Browns are talking about making the playoffs in the AFC, a conference of haves and have-nots.

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Cleveland Browns' porous defense a concern for coaches

Saturday, October 20, 2007 Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter
Lost in the euphoria of the Browns' offensive jubilee is the fact the defense is frighteningly bad in almost every statistical category.
It's a good thing the offense is scoring 32 points per game with quarterback Derek Anderson at the helm, because the defense is giving up 30.5, third-worst in the NFL. But that's only one of the many horrible defensive rankings plaguing coach Romeo Crennel during this bye week. The unit is also:
Ranked next-to-last in the NFL in total defense with an average of 413 yards per game.

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Edwards, Winslow putting up big numbers
Monday, October 22, 2007
By Steve Doerschuk
Repository sports writer

BEREA Remember Tim Couch, Courtney Brown, Gerard Warren and William Green?

Finally, the antidote: Kellen Winslow Jr. and Braylon Edwards, Browns first-round picks who are on the climb instead of dropping off a cliff.

Edwards ranked third in the NFL with 552 receiving yards entering the Browns' bye week, trailing Randy Moss and Chad Johnson.

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Believe it or not, Browns thinking about playoffs

Monday, October 22, 2007 3:22 AM
By Tom Withers

Associated Press

CLEVELAND -- As if this on-any-given-Sunday-or-Monday-night NFL season wasn't wacky enough, check out this bit of craziness: The Cleveland Browns are talking playoffs. Playoffs?
Believe it, all you Jim Mora sound-a-likes. The Browns are dead serious.

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Week off aids Browns in race Losses by both Steelers, Ravens help tighten up AFC North standings
By Marla Ridenour Beacon Journal sportswriter
Published on Tuesday, Oct 23, 2007
BEREA: While the Browns were away, the AFC North got extremely interesting.
The Pittsburgh Steelers (4-2) and Baltimore Ravens (4-3) lost Sunday, leaving the Browns (3-3) in the thick of things. They are a blocked field goal away from being tied for the division lead.
The Cincinnati Bengals (2-4) also lurk, but the Browns earning one of two wild-card playoff berths is not out of the question.

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Cleveland Browns greet new opportunities while coming off bye

Tuesday, October 23, 2007Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter
The Browns did a lot more than just hunt, fish and spend time with their families over the bye weekend. They also improved their standing in the AFC North, winding up a just a game out of first.
Not bad for a bunch of guys who didn't have to break a sweat or make a tackle.

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Browns trying to be heroes over zeroes
JEFF SCHUDEL, Morning Journal Writer

BEREA -- With the bye behind them and the 41-31 triumph over the winless Dolphins a distant memory, the Browns are turning their focus on another winless team -- the hapless St. Louis Rams.

According to the Elias Sports Bureau in New York, the Browns have never played one team that was 0-5 and then another winless team back-to-back.

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Browns place cornerback Baxter on injured reserve
10/23/2007, 5:40 p.m. EDT
The Associated Press

Gary Baxter's courageous, unexpected comeback from two serious knee injuries ended for this season when the cornerback was placed on injured reserve by the Cleveland Browns on Tuesday.

Baxter tore both patellar tendons on the same play last season. He was given long odds of getting back on the field ? no player in the NFL has ever come back and been productive after tearing the tendons ? but the 29-year-old startled doctors and made Cleveland's roster this summer.

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