What bothers me more is that, assuming the Bills, Chiefs, and Bengals all win this weekend and then the Bills and Bengals win in the first round, the Bengals will go to Buffalo to play the 2nd round game. No coin flip there. The Bengals had a chance to beat the Bills at home so that they could host the game, but that was wiped away. The 2nd round road game in Buffalo is the same result as if the Bengals had lost at home to the Bills, so the Bills end up getting the benefit of not having to win the road game in Cincy in order to get the home field advantage over Cincy. It pretty much sucks for Cincy on all counts.
The frustrating part is that there ARE rules in place for this situation and that is win %. They are wiping that away when it comes to Bengals-Ravens where it can only hurt the Bengals, but keeping it in place for Buffalo-Cincy where it ALSO can only hurt the Bengals.
EDIT - I'm really not terribly angry about it. Big picture -- you gotta win the game you play, whoever and wherever it is. It just stings to be on the wrong end of everything here when the Bengals did absolutely nothing wrong.