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Cincinnati Bengals (2011 Season)

buckeyefool;1969838; said:
Someone should tell Marvin giving the QB's the number 7 and 14 won't make us Bengals fans all the sudden think that Boomer and Ken Anderson are out there.

Yeah, then you see the ball come out of their hands....

Bengals better fasten the chinstraps on tight this Sunday against the Jets.
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Green, like Jones, is a pass-catching phenom blessed with tremendous physical gifts. Some scouts believe, in terms of pure talent, he is the finest WR prospect to come into the league since Calvin Johnson(notes). His combination of size (6-foot-4, 211-pounds), deep speed, competitiveness and jump-ball ability mirrors Megatron. He displayed those skills, coincidentally enough, against the Lions in his preseason debut. Targeted immediately by fellow rookie Andy Dalton(notes), he reeled in four catches for 29 yards. Similar to Jones, Green has been a standout player in training camp. Last week, corner Leon Hall(notes) called him one of the most talented rookies he's seen. Without a doubt Cincinnati's "Thundercat" will jolt the virtual sports world at some point, but how quickly Andy Dalton develops will determine just how valuable he'll be. In dynasty leagues the sky's the limit for Green. But because Dalton is so unrefined, his statistical growth could be stunted. Yearly league investors better hope Bruce Gradkowski(notes) takes first-team snaps Week 1.
Fearless Forecast (16 games): 57 receptions, 796 receiving yards, 6 touchdowns
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Green struggled tonight. Three drops I think. I thought Dalton improved from last week, however it looks like he still needs a lot of work. The first team d looked fantastic, imo. The Bengals defense looks like it is coming along, the offense just needs to click. I think Dalton could become like Colt McCoy. If given a year, he could really improve.
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TJnTN;1973174; said:
I'd be willing to bet my left nut that the Bengals make sCam Newton look like a legit #1 pick on Thursday.

I doubt it. Bengals number ones matched up pretty well against teh Jets Number ones last night. The pressure on Sanchez was pretty legit all night. The Bengals O on the other hand may make the Panthers D look like a team of pro-bowlers
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