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Cincinnati Bengals (2011 Season)

Glad to see the Bengals are already in mid-season form!
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Haven't been able to watch much of this game, but I have a friend who has been covering the Bengals since the lockout ended and it sounds like AJ Green is going to be a monster. You guys have him to look forward to at least.
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3074326;1968700; said:
Haven't been able to watch much of this game, but I have a friend who has been covering the Bengals since the lockout ended and it sounds like AJ Green is going to be a monster. You guys have him to look forward to at least.

Hard to check him out when the QB has a pass rusher in his face the instant he receives the ball from under center.
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Thump;1968703; said:
Hard to check him out when the QB has a pass rusher in his face the instant he receives the ball from under center.

Very true. I guess he's just blowing by everyone in the secondary and Leon Hall is the only guy who sometimes keeps it close. I'm not too familiar with the Bengals secondary, but still.

Said Dalton looked like he was playing it safe too much.. dumping it off and not taking any chances.

Cedric Benson is in the best shape of his life and looks really good.

Ummmmmmmmmm.... can't think of what else he said.
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3074326;1968707; said:
Very true. I guess he's just blowing by everyone in the secondary and Leon Hall is the only guy who sometimes keeps it close. I'm not too familiar with the Bengals secondary, but still.

Said Dalton looked like he was playing it safe too much.. dumping it off and not taking any chances.

Cedric Benson is in the best shape of his life and looks really good.

Ummmmmmmmmm.... can't think of what else he said.

not hard to blow by leon hall
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I tend to look at this season with hope...

with the right coaching and right general managing and the right talent and the right dedication, I truly believe this team can achieve perfection!

0-16, baby!! Anything else will be a disasterous disapointment! :)
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Honor&Glory;1968750; said:
I tend to look at this season with hope...

with the right coaching and right general managing and the right talent and the right dedication, I truly believe this team can achieve perfection!

0-16, baby!! Anything else will be a disasterous disapointment! :)

"Commitment to Excellence."
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Honor&Glory;1968750; said:
I tend to look at this season with hope...

with the right coaching and right general managing and the right talent and the right dedication, I truly believe this team can achieve perfection!

0-16, baby!! Anything else will be a disasterous disapointment! :)

Well, they do get the Browns at home... That could be a tough one to lose.
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