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Cincinnati Bengals (2011 Season)

starBUCKS;1964955; said:

Good signing IMO. TRUE TE, with great potential in this offense.

Also, the Donte Whitner signing puts a smile back on my face. Sucks he has to come to this cursed franchise, but in the name of getting more playing time, he will be alright.
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BigWoof31;1965005; said:
If Hamilton Co. refuses to pay for the stadium upgrades due to budget constraints - he's probably figures he'll have to do it himself, thus the savings.

Perhaps having only lived in Cincinnati for 7 months and counting, I'm just not as cynical yet.

He already has the best stadium deal in all of football, and he won't pay for crap himself (see the lack of practice facility). He just wants to throw the money on the pile while he can.
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Not a Bengals fan having grown up in northern Ohio, but I listen to the pregame radio show from time to time. I got a feeling that the offense was...not going to be stellar based on the fact Jay Gruden was trying to install an offense with basically a few weeks of work due to the lockout. Losing a few star WRs doesn't help either, despite what people think about their actions off the field. Reminds me of the Browns a few years ago...Edwards went from an okay receiver to Stonehands, and they trade Kellen Winslow leaving no playmakers that can catch the ball.
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