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CBF40's Look at '10 recruiting

Kind of a pipe dream class I am going to put out there, and to me I have scratched my head a couple times this recruiting class, but I think there is reason to kinda delay on some guys, and besides that they like to hold out for a couple guys later in the season...I think we will see around 18...

QB - Taylor Grahm
RB - Rod Smith
RB - Spencer Ware
WR - Tyrone Williams
TE - Color me clueless here and whether we are looking to take another WR.
OL - Andrew Norwell
OL - Matt James/Brandon Linder/Seantrel Henderson/Arie Kouandjio (2 of these) or go after someone like Dennis/Donnal late
DE - David Durham
DE - J.T. Moore
DT - Darryl Baldwin
DT - Garrison Smith/Lanken Tomlison/Jonathan Hankins
LB - Jamel Turner
LB - Scott McVey
LB - Jordan Hicks
LB - Jeff Luc
DB - Lamrcus Joyner
DB - Christain Bryant
DB - Kacy Rodgers
DB - Chad Hagan
K - Drew Basil

That would be a class of 21. The only place I see them cutting would be not taking a second rb, but if Ware wants to come you gotta take him...You don't try to take 4 lbs, but if Luc and Hicks want to come you take both of them...cut a DB, if you land Joyner/Bryant/Hagan, but Rodgers is going to be the first to committ...and I have no problem taking him, an dyou don't not take the other guys...and oline

That is how I see it...Obviously some guys on there that would be considered long shots, but could be the reason there have not been more offers...
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crazybuckfan40;1495926; said:
Kind of a pipe dream class I am going to put out there, and to me I have scratched my head a couple times this recruiting class, but I think there is reason to kinda delay on some guys, and besides that they like to hold out for a couple guys later in the season...I think we will see around 18...

QB - Kent Grahm
RB - Rod Smith
RB - Spencer Ware
WR - Tyrone Williams
TE - Color me clueless here and whether we are looking to take another WR.
OL - Andrew Norwell
OL - Matt James/Brandon Linder/Seantrel Henderson/Arie Kouandjio (2 of these) or go after someone like Dennis/Donnal late
DE - David Durham
DE - J.T. Moore
DT - Darryl Baldwin
DT - Garrison Smith/Lanken Tomlison/Jonathan Hankins
LB - Jamel Turner
LB - Scott McVey
LB - Jordan Hicks
LB - Jeff Luc
DB - Lamrcus Joyner
DB - Christain Bryant
DB - Kacy Rodgers
DB - Chad Hagan
K - Drew Basil

That would be a class of 21. The only place I see them cutting would be not taking a second rb, but if Ware wants to come you gotta take him...You don't try to take 4 lbs, but if Luc and Hicks want to come you take both of them...cut a DB, if you land Joyner/Bryant/Hagan, but Rodgers is going to be the first to committ...and I have no problem taking him, an dyou don't not take the other guys...and oline

That is how I see it...Obviously some guys on there that would be considered long shots, but could be the reason there have not been more offers...

I like that list. Do u think we'll have a few extra schollies becaues, of tranfers/grades?
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crazybuckfan40;1495926; said:
Kind of a pipe dream class I am going to put out there, and to me I have scratched my head a couple times this recruiting class, but I think there is reason to kinda delay on some guys, and besides that they like to hold out for a couple guys later in the season...I think we will see around 18...

QB - Kent Grahm
RB - Rod Smith
RB - Spencer Ware
WR - Tyrone Williams
TE - Color me clueless here and whether we are looking to take another WR.
OL - Andrew Norwell
OL - Matt James/Brandon Linder/Seantrel Henderson/Arie Kouandjio (2 of these) or go after someone like Dennis/Donnal late
DE - David Durham
DE - J.T. Moore
DT - Darryl Baldwin
DT - Garrison Smith/Lanken Tomlison/Jonathan Hankins
LB - Jamel Turner
LB - Scott McVey
LB - Jordan Hicks
LB - Jeff Luc
DB - Lamrcus Joyner
DB - Christain Bryant
DB - Kacy Rodgers
DB - Chad Hagan
K - Drew Basil

That would be a class of 21. The only place I see them cutting would be not taking a second rb, but if Ware wants to come you gotta take him...You don't try to take 4 lbs, but if Luc and Hicks want to come you take both of them...cut a DB, if you land Joyner/Bryant/Hagan, but Rodgers is going to be the first to committ...and I have no problem taking him, an dyou don't not take the other guys...and oline

That is how I see it...Obviously some guys on there that would be considered long shots, but could be the reason there have not been more offers...

Taylor Graham, not Kent.

I think it's a major reach to put Luc in any prospective class
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Buckeyecty4;1496025; said:
Taylor Graham, not Kent.

I think it's a major reach to put Luc in any prospective class

First line says pipe dream class, and obviously I am not putting money on grabbing him, but he is going to visit for USC game...never know...

And obviously we wouldn't take 4 lbs unless they are the right ones...
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crazybuckfan40;1495926; said:
QB - Kent Grahm
RB - Rod Smith
RB - Spencer Ware
WR - Tyrone Williams
TE - Color me clueless here and whether we are looking to take another WR.
OL - Andrew Norwell
OL - Matt James/Brandon Linder/Seantrel Henderson/Arie Kouandjio (2 of these) or go after someone like Dennis/Donnal late
DE - David Durham
DE - J.T. Moore
DT - Darryl Baldwin
DT - Garrison Smith/Lanken Tomlison/Jonathan Hankins
LB - Jamel Turner
LB - Scott McVey
LB - Jordan Hicks
LB - Jeff Luc
DB - Lamrcus Joyner
DB - Christain Bryant
DB - Kacy Rodgers
DB - Chad Hagan
K - Drew Basil

it seems to me like we have an above average to good shot at landing Williams, Baldwin, Hicks, Bryant, and Hagan at this time, with Joyner and James being borderline, and the rest being more pipe dreamy-ish, would you agree with that assessment?
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crazybuckfan40;1495926; said:
Kind of a pipe dream class I am going to put out there, and to me I have scratched my head a couple times this recruiting class, but I think there is reason to kinda delay on some guys, and besides that they like to hold out for a couple guys later in the season...I think we will see around 18...

QB - Taylor Grahm
RB - Rod Smith
RB - Spencer Ware
WR - Tyrone Williams
TE - Color me clueless here and whether we are looking to take another WR.
OL - Andrew Norwell
OL - Matt James/Brandon Linder/Seantrel Henderson/Arie Kouandjio (2 of these) or go after someone like Dennis/Donnal late
DE - David Durham
DE - J.T. Moore
DT - Darryl Baldwin
DT - Garrison Smith/Lanken Tomlison/Jonathan Hankins
LB - Jamel Turner
LB - Scott McVey
LB - Jordan Hicks
LB - Jeff Luc
DB - Lamrcus Joyner
DB - Christain Bryant
DB - Kacy Rodgers
DB - Chad Hagan
K - Drew Basil

That would be a class of 21. The only place I see them cutting would be not taking a second rb, but if Ware wants to come you gotta take him...You don't try to take 4 lbs, but if Luc and Hicks want to come you take both of them...cut a DB, if you land Joyner/Bryant/Hagan, but Rodgers is going to be the first to committ...and I have no problem taking him, an dyou don't not take the other guys...and oline

That is how I see it...Obviously some guys on there that would be considered long shots, but could be the reason there have not been more offers...

This class would be ridonkulous. Pipe dream? This is a needle in the arm dream.

(Am I allowed to say that?)
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Buckeye86;1496119; said:
it seems to me like we have an above average to good shot at landing Williams, Baldwin, Hicks, Bryant, and Hagan at this time, with Joyner and James being borderline, and the rest being more pipe dreamy-ish, would you agree with that assessment?

Yes I would agree with that other than I have Ware on that list with Joyner, James, and probably move Hicks to that list as well, just because he is a big time prospect and you truly never know, and with the early rumors around him and Texas or Florida being linked together those are hard to shake, even tho the last couple months have been promising in where we stand.
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I think that projection is much more realistic than people think. Outside of Seantrel, Garrison Smith, and Luc I don't see any true "pipe dreams" and whether or not anyone likes to believe it Luc does have legit interest. Rumors were Rodgers was leaning/silently committed to Georgia but i'm not sure if those were true. It will be big if we snag both James and Ware, who seem like the most unsure of the Ohio guys. Nontheless, along with a few stars this class will add further depth to our already young talent and be a great stepping stone to another strong 2011 class.
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pnuts34;1496278; said:
So does no one think that Erick Howard is getting an offer? I would see him as a verbal wayyyy before Ware. Ware pretty much has stated that he wants to go south.

Wares the type of guy that you wait on. He has the athleticism to play anywhere on the football field. The only issue with him is whether or not he's maxed out physically at this point.

I think with Howard it's a matter of do we want him in this class or not. I don't think Ware's recruitment has much effect on him, since we would be bringing Ware in as an ATH. I don't think we need to panic and offer Howard, especially before we know the status of Hyde. But if it's late in the process and Hyde and Ware are both is out I could see Howard getting a look.
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