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Cam Newton (QB New England Patriots)


Former Auburn football coach Pat Dye said he doesn't blame the schools' fierce in-state rivalry for Updyke's boorish act. Dawson said Auburn police believe Updyke acted alone and they aren't actively searching for additional suspects.

"Anyone who would do that would poison your children or poison your dog," Dye said. "He needs to pay a price. I believe most of the Alabama people would agree with me. The smart and intelligent Alabama people are embarrassed and ashamed. This isn't a cultural thing; it's an individual act."

Evidently Coach Dye spoke to both of them.

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most Alabama fans consider Auburn as being part of Western Georgia anyways but no doubt the fans of Alabama are embarrassed by this and probably don't condone it...but that wont stop me from grouping all Alabama fans and this wack job together into one and then proceed to make fun of the situation and the Alabama football fanbase, just like Alabama fans would be doing if this situation involved an Ohio State fan and the University of Michigan
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colobuck79;1875958; said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here, and suggest that roll tide's bark is worse than its bite.

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