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Cam Newton (QB New England Patriots)

[FONT=&quot]Corruption and Auburn athletics have been bedfellows since the 1950?s, but ATPB timelines commence during the waning years of the Pat Dye era, or as the title suggests some 27 years prior. It begins with revelations disclosed by Terry Bowden describing in detail his struggles with certain Auburn Trustees in adhering to NCAA bylaws and regulations.[/FONT]

Linky thang
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NCAA expands Auburn investigation
Updated Feb 16, 2011 8:34 PM ET
NCAA investigators on Monday interviewed several people in Thibodaux, La., about Auburn’s recruitment of offensive lineman Greg Robinson and wide receiver Trovon Reed and both players’ involvement with Sean Nelson, who took them on multiple unofficial visits to Auburn.

Dennis Lorio, Thibodaux High School's former football coach, said he was interviewed for 45 minutes by one of two NCAA investigators who visited him Monday. Robinson was also interviewed by an NCAA investigator for “a couple of hours” and Robinson’s mother was also interviewed, according to Lorio.
Lorio said the NCAA investigator who interviewed him asked if he believed Auburn had committed NCAA violations in its recruitment of Robinson, who signed with the national champion Tigers earlier this month. Robinson and Reed, who redshirted as a freshman this past season, were both primarily recruited by Trooper Taylor, Auburn’s assistant head coach.

“I can’t say what Auburn did because I don’t know and I wasn’t involved very much,” Lorio said Wednesday. “I really don’t know truthfully.”
In December, Lorio told FOXSports.com that several coaches and students saw Robinson show off cash and a new iPhone at school after making an unofficial visit to Auburn earlier in the year.
Before last month’s BCS title game, Taylor told FOXSports.com he did not give money or items to Nelson or Robinson.
“It’s illegal to give money,” Taylor said with a laugh. “Greg Robinson got travel money for coming down with him and his family, which is for mileage and they got a check for that. That was it.”
Vague wording here, but if they were paid for an unofficial visit, Taylor's denial of cheating is admitting to different cheating :lol:
She said Auburn's coaches "weren't very intelligent" and was especially critical of Taylor, who she says "got a lot of lies in there when he was talking."
Lorio said one person told him Nelson was interviewed by NCAA investigators and that another person was unsure if it happened. Nelson, who claims to be Reed’s guardian and operates a non-profit mentoring program called Total Package, declined to tell FOXSports.com on Wednesday whether he had been interviewed by the NCAA.
“Why you calling me? Unless you’re calling to apologize, don’t call my phone no more,” Nelson said before hanging up.
Yeah, this is going to end well for Auburn.
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OneBuckeye;1875625; said:
^ LOL at all the SEC fans in the comments asking why Ohio State isn't under investigation.

I guess they have short term memory as Ohio State was investigated to the hilt just a few years ago. Not to mention the few times since when the NCAA came to look at self-reported infractions.

Just shows you the mentality of some SEC fans.
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GeorgiaBuck2;1875891; said:
This is possibly the funniest gif I have seen yet.


It WOULD be hilarious if it wasn't so damn sad.

This kind of shit is how I always justify tOSU/tSUN as the best rivalry in football, if not in all of sport. It would be hard to argue the boundaries of hate between Michigan fans and Ohio State fans in comparison to Auburn and Alabama fans, but the significant difference is that deep down there's a mutual respect that has it's root in class and maturity in our world.

I've seen some nasty things done in respect to The Game and what it entails, but I would find it very hard to believe that even the most Neanderthal of tSUN affiliates would stoop to the level of theoretical murder, the assassination of tradition like what we've seen in Auburn. Maybe it's naive to think that, but I like to hold a certain esteem to the tradition of our hate.

Fuck Ann Arbor. Fuck the University of Michigan. Fuck every last one of their fans, but fuck them on the field and court, fuck them in the workplace, fuck them in their comparable fields of study, fuck them in the classroom, fuck them on Wall Street, fuck them on internet message boards, fuck them long and hard and with great fervor, but fuck them with great pride and class because that's what Buckeyes do.

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SloopyHangOn;1875895; said:
It WOULD be hilarious if it wasn't so damn sad.

This kind of shit is how I always justify tOSU/tSUN as the best rivalry in football, if not in all of sport. It would be hard to argue the boundaries of hate between Michigan fans and Ohio State fans in comparison to Auburn and Alabama fans, but the significant difference is that deep down there's a mutual respect that has it's root in class and maturity in our world.

I've seen some nasty things done in respect to The Game and what it entails, but I would find it very hard to believe that even the most Neanderthal of tSUN affiliates would stoop to the level of theoretical murder, the assassination of tradition like what we've seen in Auburn. Maybe it's naive to think that, but I like to hold a certain esteem to the tradition of our hate.

Fuck Ann Arbor. Fuck the University of Michigan. Fuck every last one of their fans, but fuck them on the field and court, fuck them in the workplace, fuck them in their comparable fields of study, fuck them in the classroom, fuck them on Wall Street, fuck them on internet message boards, fuck them long and hard and with great fervor, but fuck them with great pride and class because that's what Buckeyes do.



Can we get a GPA for this guy!?

Fuck scUM, every last one of them! But like we've been saying in the basketball thread, fuck them (and other teams/fans) with class and dignity.

*Oh, I guess I have to spread some rep around before I can give the guy any more. Someone rep him for me, he deserves it.
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SloopyHangOn;1875895; said:
It WOULD be hilarious if it wasn't so damn sad.

This kind of [Mark May] is how I always justify tOSU/tSUN as the best rivalry in football, if not in all of sport. It would be hard to argue the boundaries of hate between Michigan fans and Ohio State fans in comparison to Auburn and Alabama fans, but the significant difference is that deep down there's a mutual respect that has it's root in class and maturity in our world.

I've seen some nasty things done in respect to The Game and what it entails, but I would find it very hard to believe that even the most Neanderthal of tSUN affiliates would stoop to the level of theoretical murder, the assassination of tradition like what we've seen in Auburn. Maybe it's naive to think that, but I like to hold a certain esteem to the tradition of our hate.

[censored] Ann Arbor. [censored] the University of Michigan. [censored] every last one of their fans, but [censored] them on the field and court, [censored] them in the workplace, [censored] them in their comparable fields of study, [censored] them in the classroom, [censored] them on Wall Street, [censored] them on internet message boards, [censored] them long and hard and with great fervor, but [censored] them with great pride and class because that's what Buckeyes do.


all it takes is 1 former ex-trooper....you really can't put any stock in this event.
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billmac91;1875901; said:
all it takes is 1 former ex-trooper....you really can't put any stock in this event.

If it were just this event, it would be different. It's why I said "shit like this". It includes anything and everything that seems to continuously fall into the category of classless fandom.

It's nothing against Auburn or 'Bama in particular. It's not even a slight toward either of their fans as a whole as much as it is a distinct difference between our hate and their hate, with "their" including anyone who isn't a Buckeye or wolverine at heart.
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A southern radio show host was on ESPN yesterday, and he said that there's a lot of anger among Alabama fans right now because their rival beat them and went on to win the NC with Newton, who Alabama fans feel is a player who violated the rules and should have been ineligible. This could be an manifestation of that anger/resentment. I wonder if the NCAA is paying attention.
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