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Cam Newton (QB New England Patriots)

So the legal fees to this point are less than Cam's Dad wanted, but allegedly never received, from Auburn.


Auburn spent $170k on legal fees for Newton case

The Birmingham News reported Wednesday that Auburn has spent approximately $170,000 in attorney fees during the ongoing Cam Newton NCAA investigation. Lightfoot, Franklin, White LLC, the school's Birmingham-based legal counsel has once again pulled in the big bucks defending a high profile NCAA investigation.

Michigan paid the same firm $600,000 during its recent infractions case, and Connecticut paid $338,000 over 12 months during the investigation of the Huskies basketball program.

As the report details, spending such a large amount of money for legal counsel is not unusual with such a high profile investigation. After all, Auburn was competing for a national championship - a reward that holds no price tag in the hearts of Tiger fans.

However, if you are measuring dollar amounts against each other, it should be noted that Auburn's need for legal assistance is likely far from complete. The NCAA has issued no ruling to completely close the Newton case at Auburn. Some would assume with Newton gone, the trouble would go away. But after a Heisman Trophy and National Championship, this story isn't fading away any time soon.

Cont'd ...
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BB73;1871933; said:
So the legal fees to this point are less than Cam's Dad wanted, but allegedly never received, from Auburn.


Well, that's like saying you allegedly never raped your neighbor's cat while on heroin at a Black Mass.

Usually you are presumed innocent and "allegedly" is used to say you did something wrong - not to indicate that you did NOT do something wro......

Oh. Auburn. I'm sorry Bill, carry on.
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Gatorubet;1871969; said:
Well, that's like saying you allegedly never raped your neighbor's cat while on heroin at a Black Mass.

Usually you are presumed innocent and "allegedly" is used to say you did something wrong - not to indicate that you did NOT do something wro......

Oh. Auburn. I'm sorry Bill, carry on.

Yep. I also prefer to use allegedly in this statement:

"Cam Newton allegedly never knew his father was asking colleges for money."

It bothers me to see articles that say "Cam was eligible because he was unaware of what his father was doing", like that's an absolute fact, rather than possibly being a story they needed to concoct to keep him eligible.

I also allege that my neighbor's cat is lying.
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BB73;1871992; said:
I also allege that my neighbor's cat is lying.

Ubet is the lawyer but if it were me I'd go with the religious persecution angle and claim it wasn't a Black Mass but a Wiccan winter festival. Damned DNA testing can make it too easy on the prosecution to prove the Heroin and cat rape (although its always a sound defense to claim the cat sex was consensual).
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Jaxbuck;1872004; said:
Ubet is the lawyer but if it were me I'd go with the religious persecution angle and claim it wasn't a Black Mass but a Wiccan winter festival. Damned DNA testing can make it too easy on the prosecution to prove the Heroin and cat rape (although its always a sound defense to claim the cat sex was consensual).

I've never known ANY cat sex to be consensual, but BB73 is a bit older and perhaps more savvy than your average cat. Still, a shaky degeneration.
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matcar;1872011; said:
I've never known ANY cat sex to be consensual, but BB73 is a bit older and perhaps more savvy than your average cat. Still, a shaky degeneration.

Then you sir haven't been privy to the benefit of the cat sized date brick.
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No way the NCAA ever comes back and exposes their hypocrisy for all to see by penalizing Auburn over the Newton episode. The best that we can hope for is that the FBI investigation makes it public knowledge and there is some form of state/federal overhaul of the Auburn admin/board in the wake.
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Newton gets lucrative endorsement deal
Of course, when you're a freakish athlete like Cam Newton and coming off one of the most dominant seasons in college football, a season that ended with a national championship, somebody's going to pay top dollar to get you to push their merchandise.

That somebody is Under Armour, which according to a report by CNBC, has signed Newton to the most lucrative endorsement pact ever awarded an incoming NFL player.

Newton's deal surpasses the one Reggie Bush got in 2006 from adidas and is in excess of $1 million.
I'm sure using him blatantly to advertise UnderArmour's new cleats (during the SECCG, NC & sprinkled throughout ESPN & primetime programming) was just a wild coincidence.


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUeLACJgx50"]YouTube - Under Armour's Auburn Micro G Cleats: National Championship[/ame]

Maybe that's just a look alike, but they were obviously using his likeness to make you think Newton wears them (besides having him wear them in the postseason).
next part of of espn article said:
Despite being a fabulous player, the other thing that Newton has going for him is the way he handled all of the allegations last season and the way he responded on the field even after it was confirmed that his father, Cecil Newton, tried to shop him to Mississippi State for $180,000.
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Despite being a fabulous player, the other thing that Newton has going for him is the way he handled all of the allegations last season and the way he responded on the field even after it was confirmed that his father, Cecil Newton, tried to shop him to Mississippi State for $180,000.

Wow. Just wow. If you can manage to get ESPN to carry your banner, there's nothing they won't say or ignore, I guess. Is there any truth to the rumor that Kirk Herbstreit authored that piece? :lol:
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I always figured he'd get sponsered by someone that could really benefit by his actions:

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