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Cam Newton (QB New England Patriots)

Originally Posted by Cam Newton
I see myself not as a football player but an entertainer and icon


Originally Posted by

Wrong, Punk.
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his future career is just begging for a vbet

in 5 years (at the start of the NFL regular season in 2015) Cam Newton will be:

odds / bet

3:1 / on an NFL roster
3:1 / on another football roster (CFL, arena, whatever)
5:1 / out of the NFL and telling all about auburn to stay in the limelight
10:1 / out of the NFL; already got auburn busted; homeless and assumed to be a gay male prostitue for crack money

smart money is on cam newton tasting lots of penis in the near future
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buckeyesin07;1878635; said:
Jamarcus Russell is still the most appropriate analogy, IMO--one-year wonder in college, got way too much credit for a bowl game win, incredibly athletic which wows people at the combine and makes them reach on him in the draft, absolutely no familiarity with running a pro-style offense, character issues/questions, etc.

Jamarcus was the most frustrating QB i can remember at LSU.

tons of physical talent. about half an ounce of football smarts
dude had an uncanny ability to keep both teams in the game.

somewhere about mid-way through his Junior year, he realized he could run if the pocket broke down (yeah it took him 2.5 years to figure this out). We didn't lose again that year.

note: we're getting smoked at home by a shitty ole piss team in this video. yeah we won, but no reason to suck for 3 qtrs before deciding to play ball.

most of his "great" plays can be attributed to his huge arm, and having 2 1st round draft picks (Bowe and Davis) as his wide receivers, and 3rd receiver (Doucet) who was even better than the 1st two, but limited by injuries.

many times a wideout bailed him out of trouble.

this video sums up his entire career here.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuHXGVudSGw&playnext=1&list=PL38E8CDD77E2B82DE"]YouTube - JaMarcus Russell spins twice & slings it 53 yds[/ame]

2 spin moves (which never work in NFL), and close his eye while launching a prayer into double coverage.
Early Doucet saves him with a catch, and every fawns over Russell as being "amazing"
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BuckWrestler141;1878857; said:
Funny to hear Stanley McClover was on the take considering he was looking like he'd sign with Ohio State for a long time. I see why he went elsewhere.

Check out the first pages of McClover's thread. People in the know pretty much called this seven years ago.
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