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Cam Newton (QB New England Patriots)

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jlb1705;1880347; said:
Don Banks of SI.com on the non-celebrity portion of Cam Newton's combine performance:

Ouch. Very ouch.

:lol:. I've said it before and I'll say it again--if a team is dumb enough to waste a first round pick on this guy, they're going to be regretting it in about 3 years. I wouldn't use any better than a fourth round pick on him.
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GeorgiaBuck2;1879690; said:

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jlb1705;1880347; said:
Don Banks of SI.com on the non-celebrity portion of Cam Newton's combine performance:

Ouch. Very ouch.

Well, he obviously does not know what he is talking about because ESPiN's Sportcenter was reporting that he did quite well and that his college QB coach was very satisfied with his performance. :p (I had it on this morning while getting ready for work to see if they would say anything about Ohio State's dominating win yesterday.)

The amount of ESPiN slobber on sCam's jock is almost Tebowesque. Ugh.
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cam threw a hissy fit at the combines when an NFL assistant asked him a question that he wasn't prepared for. The coach asked him why he didn't take a knee at the end of the NC game like Chizick called and instead ran a QB sneak. Cam pouted because he didn't think the question was fair. I'm sure the scouts loved to see that.
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jlb1705;1880347; said:
Don Banks of SI.com on the non-celebrity portion of Cam Newton's combine performance:

Ouch. Very ouch.

Don't tell Colin Cowherd that. Guy was talking him up like Jesus on his show this morning. Sadly I fell asleep watching some sportcenter highlights and woke up to that babbling moron.

Wasn't a good morning.
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As a lifelong Bengal fan :smash: I know he is going to Cinci, I saw somewhere that Cinci was looking like they were moving on from Palmer and may be willing to draft a QB at 4. I heard John Clayton interviewed on espIn radio last night, and he said that sCam helped himself immensely at the Combine. He said that even though he only went 11-21 in throwing on Sunday (against air) he has something you can't teach, arm strength, and that the accuracy will come when he works on his footwork. He said he expects sCam to move up into the top 4-5 picks, Akili Smith, David Klingler, now this, why in the [censored] do I have to be a loyal fan :2004: If the bUngles draft this cat, loyalty be [censored]ed I WILL find another team to root for.
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Buckeneye;1880575; said:
Don't tell Colin Cowherd that. Guy was talking him up like Jesus on his show this morning. Sadly I fell asleep watching some sportcenter highlights and woke up to that babbling moron.

Wasn't a good morning.

Colin said the problem was more with the slow non-SEC receivers and not with sCams inaccurate arm/cannon (never mind that he was putting what seemed like 10 seconds of hang time on his passes). Apparently those guys just can't run like the SEC guys. I'm sure they got invited to the NFL combine out of sympathy, poor guys.

/I'll guess Cam gets a single digit score on the Wonderlic ala Vince Young
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FrancisSoyer;1880605; said:
/I'll guess Cam gets a single digit score on the Wonderlic ala Vince Young
Just a question, not being a math whiz, but would a zero be considered a single digit? And totally off topic, sort of :tongue2:, but if they gave owners a wonderlic test, what would Mike Brown score :(
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