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Cam Newton (QB New England Patriots)

ScriptOhio;1882630; said:
Auburn reports losing more than $600,000 from BCS Championship Game trip

Auburn reported losing $614,106 from a trip that produced the Tigers' first football national title since 1957, more than doubling the deficit incurred by Oregon.

Entire article: http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/...tml?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

I wanna know how in the world they didn't sell out their allotment of tickets, came almost 2,000 short, WTF? Thought SEC fans were supposed to be the most passionate fanbase in whole universe?
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Bucknut24;1884554; said:
I wanna know how in the world they didn't sell out their allotment of tickets, came almost 2,000 short, WTF? Thought SEC fans were supposed to be the most passionate fanbase in whole universe?

they bought their tickets from Boise fans on stubhub.
cheaper than going through the university
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Bucknut24;1884554; said:
I wanna know how in the world they didn't sell out their allotment of tickets, came almost 2,000 short, WTF? Thought SEC fans were supposed to be the most passionate fanbase in whole universe?

What they aren't telling you is that the "lost" money is sitting in the back of Cam Newton's dad's pocket for taking the entire fall for his son and the university.
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Bucknut24;1884554; said:
I wanna know how in the world they didn't sell out their allotment of tickets, came almost 2,000 short, WTF? Thought SEC fans were supposed to be the most passionate fanbase in whole universe?

Other article I saw said those tix are the ones used for band, cheerleaders, university officials, etc.
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Under ?negatives? for Newton, Nawrocki writes, ?Very disingenuous ? has a fake smile, comes off as very scripted and has a selfish, me-first makeup. Always knows where the cameras are and plays to them. Has an enormous ego with a sense of entitlement that continually invites trouble and makes him believe he is above the law ? does not command respect from teammates and will always struggle to win a locker room . . . Lacks accountability, focus and trustworthiness ? is not punctual, seeks shortcuts and sets a bad example. Immature and has had issues with authority. Not dependable.?

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Winning the Junior College NC followed by the BCSNC. Not good for a kid with his obvious maturity/entitlement issues. Hard to see him ever getting grounded. Papa will always be there to guilt him into doing things for the quick buck.
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Gatorubet;1900419; said:
Winning the Junior College NC followed by the BCSNC. Not good for a kid with his obvious maturity/entitlement issues. Hard to see him ever getting grounded. Papa will always be there to guilt him into doing things for the quick buck.
And the Heisman, all of which likely pale in comparison in generating a cocky, untouchable mentality that surely emerged from the restored eligibility this past season.
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Winning the Junior College NC followed by the BCSNC. Not good for a kid with his obvious maturity/entitlement issues. Hard to see him ever getting grounded. Papa will always be there to guilt him into doing things for the quick buck.
Met a girl who was a teaching aid for Cam Newton and football program down here at UF. Cam tried to get her number while she was helping him out in a lecture, she couldn't believe the audacity. She's getting paid to help out his academics and he is trying to get in her pants. She told me back in October, "there is no one who loves Cam Newton more than Cam Newton."
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