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Cam Newton (QB New England Patriots)

Diego-Bucks;1900499; said:
Met a girl who was a teaching aid for Cam Newton and football program down here at UF. Cam tried to get her number while she was helping him out in a lecture, she couldn't believe the audacity. She's getting paid to help out his academics and he is trying to get in her pants. She told me back in October, "there is no one who loves Cam Newton more than Cam Newton."

I love ripping on Cam but is this really audacious :paranoid:
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Diego-Bucks;1900499; said:
Met a girl who was a teaching aid for Cam Newton and football program down here at UF. Cam tried to get her number while she was helping him out in a lecture, she couldn't believe the audacity. She's getting paid to help out his academics and he is trying to get in her pants. She told me back in October, "there is no one who loves Cam Newton more than Cam Newton."

She should get the fuck down off her high horse... who does she think she is?
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Diego-Bucks;1900499; said:
Met a girl who was a teaching aid for Cam Newton and football program down here at UF. Cam tried to get her number while she was helping him out in a lecture, she couldn't believe the audacity. She's getting paid to help out his academics and he is trying to get in her pants. She told me back in October, "there is no one who loves Cam Newton more than Cam Newton."

I guess the next annoying jingle to surpass "Napa Know How" is going to be "Cam Can Make You Cum".

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Diego-Bucks;1900547; said:
I guess her point was that, she was stuck doing her job next to this tool in his own classroom lecture (like a babysitter), this is done in order to help him stay eligible to play football. And he is trying to get in her pants. And then later, he can't stay eligible to play football.

Im not saying he isnt a douche nozzle...Im sure he went about it like he was entitled....I meant it isnt that outlandish to hit on a hot TA or tutor when your a 20 year old....granted I wouldnt have done it but thats because I wouldve had no confidence:sad: and didnt have a private hot tutor...i had to do the work myself...but I sure a shit could pound a case of natty and hit on fat girls like it was my job
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bassbuckeye07;1900585; said:
but I sure a [Mark May] could pound a case of natty and hit on fat girls like it was my job

It's the American Way!

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Diego-Bucks;1900547; said:
I guess her point was that, she was stuck doing her job next to this tool in his own classroom lecture (like a babysitter), this is done in order to help him stay eligible to play football. And he is trying to get in her pants. And then later, he can't stay eligible to play football.

As others have mentioned...it's almost like the girl in question had never before been in contact with a 17-22 y/o male.
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Bucknut24;1884554; said:
I wanna know how in the world they didn't sell out their allotment of tickets, came almost 2,000 short, WTF? Thought SEC fans were supposed to be the most passionate fanbase in whole universe?

Don't forget that there was a tremendous blizzard going on at that time of the year. My uncle lives in Auburn and had tickets to go to the game - and couldn't get out of the airport.
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Warren Moon Plays The Race Card:

Warren Moon defends Cam Newton

Warren Moon, the first African-American quarterback to be elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, told CBSSports.com that he believes some of the criticism of Auburn quarterback Cam Newton is based in racism.
"A lot of the criticism he's receiving is unfortunate and racially based," Moon, who is Newton's adviser, told the website. "I thought we were all past this. I don't see other quarterbacks in the draft being criticized by the media or fans about their smile or called a phony. He's being held to different standards from white quarterbacks. I thought we were past all this stuff about African-American quarterbacks, but I guess we're not.

Entire article: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/draft2011/news/story?id=6277093&campaign=rss&source=ESPNHeadlines
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Right because people just adore Ryan Mallett's attitude and ego.

There is still plenty of racism in America, but this was a poor choice for trying to highlight it.
ScriptOhio;1901567; said:
Warren Moon defends Cam Newton

Warren Moon, the first African-American quarterback to be elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, told CBSSports.com that he believes some of the criticism of Auburn quarterback Cam Newton is based in racism.
"A lot of the criticism he's receiving is unfortunate and racially based," Moon, who is Newton's adviser, told the website. "I thought we were all past this. I don't see other quarterbacks in the draft being criticized by the media or fans about their smile or called a phony. He's being held to different standards from white quarterbacks. I thought we were past all this stuff about African-American quarterbacks, but I guess we're not.

Entire article: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/draft2011/news/story?id=6277093&campaign=rss&source=ESPNHeadlines
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ScriptOhio;1901567; said:
Warren Moon defends Cam Newton

Warren Moon, the first African-American quarterback to be elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, told CBSSports.com that he believes some of the criticism of Auburn quarterback Cam Newton is based in racism.
"A lot of the criticism he's receiving is unfortunate and racially based," Moon, who is Newton's adviser, told the website. "I thought we were all past this. I don't see other quarterbacks in the draft being criticized by the media or fans about their smile or called a phony. He's being held to different standards from white quarterbacks. I thought we were past all this stuff about African-American quarterbacks, but I guess we're not.

Entire article: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/draft2011/news/story?id=6277093&campaign=rss&source=ESPNHeadlines

of course its because he is black and has nothing at all to do with being a pampered asshole? another enabler for mr. newton.
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brodybuck21;1901571; said:
of course its because he is black and has nothing at all to do with being a pampered asshole? another enabler for mr. newton.

I though Uncle Rico had horrible mechanics too but nobody called me predjudiced against latin americans.

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