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Cam Newton (QB New England Patriots)

Muck;1907378; said:
Am I the only one skeptical about this?

I have a strong suspicion that the Alabama law in question probably applies to "pending legal investigations" which has nothing to do with the NCAA.

Remember the FBI is all over some Auburn board members, so their request could have been for a document that's being used by the FBI in the bribery etc case.
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BuckeyeNation27;1907435; said:

I know it's my fault for having ESPN on.....but Rod Gilmore just said 'it would be a shame if Auburns title came into question because of these off the field incidents'.

Yeah.....it'd be a real shame, but [censored] you Ohio State.

Steve19;1907439; said:
Clearly, you don't understand that it all stems from Jim Tressel and those gangstas at Ohio State.
We can all agree that Auburn blowing 180K on a vacated BCSNC attempt would be more of a shame than spending the price of 5 sets of tats to beat the piggies. :p :lol:

180K > 5 tats
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Gatorubet;1907361; said:
Trooper Taylor and being cautious about following NCAA rules :slappy: :slappy:

I have family in Alabama and I've had conversations with Trooper on multiple occasions, he's a bright guy when it comes to football and recruiting. I can honestly say, however, that I'm not sure "cautious" would be the word I would use to describe his demeanor toward NCAA rules. From what I've overheard and been outright told, Auburn recruiting is more about straddling the line of "get-away-with" than anything else.
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cbrian815;1908208; said:
Wow the whole season he got a number for a play and ran it. Thats the extent of his play calling and the Auburn offense. I guess simple is good enough for a NCAA title. Go Bucks

Yeah, apparently you don't have to be a molecular genetics major to win a National Championship. Go figure.
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BuckNutty;1908251; said:
Yeah, apparently you don't have to be a molecular genetics major to win a National Championship. Go figure.

I can't even spell onederlick!
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Buckeye86;1908204; said:
I like how Cam was staring at the TV during most of his responses. What the hell is that about? Turn your chair and face the person you are talking to moron. :lol:

Looked like he was watching an episode of Antiques Roadshow. He's obviously an aspiring art dealer taking notes on the delicate but refined skill of appraising.
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