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Cam Newton (QB New England Patriots)

SloopyHangOn;1908770; said:
The problem is TP isn't an entertainer, icon or gun.

You'll never make it in this league as a dummy!
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Yikes. Just watched the full clip.

The professional coaching of his image is pretty obvious, as he repeatedly fails to sell that he doesn't know what numbers he did at the combine, that _______ accomplishment means nothing, while his huge smirk blows up every bluff.

Great work by malzahn turning cam loose. Folks should appreciate what Pryor is able to accomplish with most of the same limitations. But that doesn't mean terrelle should be used like Cam, who is a battering ram mentally as much as physically. Both are in the perfect offenses for what they want to do.

Gruden is a great addition to ESPN. Having suffered through so many mind numbing skits or bull sessions with herbie, corso, Howard, may, Holtz, etc, it was nice to hear actual substance in the conversations.
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jwinslow;1909200; said:
Having suffered through so many mind numbing skits or bull sessions with herbie, corso, Howard, may, Holtz, etc, it was nice to hear actual substance in the conversations.

and the latest Todd McShay vs. Mel Kiper "debates" where whomever has the biggest smirk on their face wins.
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jwinslow;1909200; said:
Gruden is a great addition to ESPN. Having suffered through so many mind numbing skits or bull sessions with herbie, corso, Howard, may, Holtz, etc, it was nice to hear actual substance in the conversations.

Yeah. That was refreshing. Chuckie is a good addition.
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Gatorubet;1909226; said:
Yeah. That was refreshing. Chuckie is a good addition.

Probably one of the best things ESPN did that has to do with football.

Chuckie was like "WTF?!? 36?!? On a Number?!? GTFO!"

"I'm a gun." A gun?!?! LOL!!!

I hope Peyton DOES kick his arse. He'll be toast. Chuckie did the same thing to Gabbert too.

Clip of Chuckie all over Gabbert about being under center and loafing: http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=6381541

sCabbert = FAIL. They're my new Odd Couple, LOL
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:lol: Cam not getting any love from this site.

Very disingenuous -- has a fake smile, comes off as very scripted and has a selfish,
me-first makeup. Always knows where the cameras are and plays to them. Has an
enormous ego with a sense of entitlement that continually invites trouble and makes
him believe he is above the law -- does not command respect from teammates and
will always struggle to win a locker room . . . Lacks accountability, focus and trust-
worthiness -- is not punctual, seeks shortcuts and sets a bad example. Immature
and has had issues with authority. Not dependable.

But other than that....:slappy:
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With all the stuff that has come out in the last few days, specially the Chuckie interview, I'm more convinced than ever that the Bengals (my team since I was 8 :smash: at what point does loyalty equal stupidity, does 38 years suffice?) will trade up to get sCam :sad2:
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Zeke Pike just committed to Auburn and Michigan was in his top 3. I knew it was over when Auburn in his top 3. Michigan can't compete with Auburn. Looks like Michigan needs to splash out some serious dough if they want to get these elite guys again.:)
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Gatorubet;1909512; said:

Gruden, to his credit, gave sCam a chance. sCam likes to invoke Manning's name (he did the same thing on YOtQB on ESPN), but he knows nothing about what the hell he's doing...

Manning is the current QB standard for all college QBs. Not hard to see why:


Manning is a freaking QB stud. He's making up alert calls IN THE FREAKING HUDDLE?!? ROFLOL. I can see it now....whoever his coach is:

Coach: "Cam - what you callin?"
sCam: "03."
Coach: "Three?"
sCam: "No.....zero - three. It's a more complex playcall."

When I coached youth football (10 - 13 year olds), here's three of my playcalls:

Blaze Right Alpha 194 Z Motion Go Flat
I Left Echo 18 Stretch Alert White
Pro Right Omega 224 Max Alert Blue

I taught this to ten year olds. They understood this in about a week, and had pretty much good excecution down in two. Now, what I did do, on their wristbands when we went no huddle, was had a numbered play, and he read the play, and called the exact play in the huddle.

Now, maybe that's what sCam meant when he said a number - but if he couldn't get that simple concept after Gruden just rattled off a play....?!?!?!? :slappy:
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alexhortdog95;1909666; said:
Gruden, to his credit, gave sCam a chance. sCam likes to invoke Manning's name (he did the same thing on YOtQB on ESPN), but he knows nothing about what the hell he's doing...

Manning is the current QB standard for all college QBs. Not hard to see why:


Manning is a freaking QB stud. He's making up alert calls IN THE FREAKING HUDDLE?!? ROFLOL. I can see it now....whoever his coach is:

Coach: "Cam - what you callin?"
sCam: "03."
Coach: "Three?"
sCam: "No.....zero - three. It's a more complex playcall."

When I coached youth football (10 - 13 year olds), here's three of my playcalls:

Blaze Right Alpha 194 Z Motion Go Flat
I Left Echo 18 Stretch Alert White
Pro Right Omega 224 Max Alert Blue

I taught this to ten year olds. They understood this in about a week, and had pretty much good excecution down in two. Now, what I did do, on their wristbands when we went no huddle, was had a numbered play, and he read the play, and called the exact play in the huddle.

Now, maybe that's what sCam meant when he said a number - but if he couldn't get that simple concept after Gruden just rattled off a play....?!?!?!? :slappy:

Ten year olds are neither entertainers, nor icons.
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