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Cam Newton (QB New England Patriots)

jlb1705;1825353; said:
If the FBI is still assembling a case, they could have told the NCAA to squash this until they're ready to move forward.

sandgk;1825356; said:
What the FBI does is not predicated on the (in)actions of the essentially toothless NCAA. The FBI's evidence gathering is not harmed.
That's not what the FBI will be telling anyone, however. What the FBI will be telling people is, "Get the hell out of our way."
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scooter1369;1825365; said:
ESPN is discussing this? I hadn't even noticed.

I wouldn't have noticed either but for someone posting it in this thread on this board a while back. Just did a google search and found one of the articles. Here's a quote from that article:

After Newton committed to Auburn, another source said an emotional Cam Newton phoned another recruiter to express regret that he wouldn't be going to Mississippi State, stating that his father, Cecil, had chosen Auburn for him because "the money was too much."
Prior to that quote, the article describes sources saying that both Cecil and Cam spoke of the "pay-to-play" scheme in separate phone conversations. Because Cecil initially denied his part in the pay-to-play report, and then came around and admitted to it, his credibility is gone in the matter, and the NCAA cannot rely upon Cecil to now say that Dad was the only wrongdoer and that Son knew nothing of this. While that could be a true statement, Cecil has already lied on the matter and is now branded with a big, scarlet "L" for the mangy liar that he is.

My confusion then is why the NCAA has seemingly created a loophole for Cam Newton in which to reinstate him so soon. There is at least one source out there who said Cam specifically had knowledge of what was going on. I know that ESPN has a duty to protect its source, but it wouldn't be a stretch to presume that the source is likely also known to the NCAA. Why has his information been discarded so soon?
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MaxBuck;1825374; said:
That's not what the FBI will be telling anyone, however. What the FBI will be telling people is, "Get the hell out of our way."

I have a few cases where the FBI has a criminal investigation interest that coincides with my civil suit interests, but any information about the facts at issue is a one way street... and it ain't flowing my way. They (Justice Dept/FBI) are more than happy for you to assist them, but they don't give a crap about my interests - or the NCAA's interests - save how it helps them.

Which is as it should be. Their criminal investigation and its importance far exceeds the wants of college football fans.
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Great football player and the entire hopes of Auburnnation. But crooked as a dogs hind legs.

Really tired of seeing this stuff in college sports. Wish the agents would go the way of the Dodo.
Upvote 0 Financial Aid.
If at any time before or after matriculation in a member institution a student-athlete or any member of his/her family receives or agrees to receive, directly or indirectly, any aid or assistance beyond or in addition to that permitted by the Bylaws of this Conference (except such aid or assistance as such student-athlete may receive from those persons on whom the student is naturally or legally dependent for support), such student-athlete shall be ineligible for competition in any intercollegiate sport within the Conference for the remainder of his/her college career.
Notice that "solicitation" is not mentioned in this rule. From what we know so far, Cecil Newton solicited Mississippi State, and Mississippi State refused to provide, or to agree to provide, any extra benefit.

Even if Cecil Newton made a similar solicitation to Auburn, it would not render Cam ineligible unless Auburn either provided or agreed to provide extra benefits.

I know, I know, it's pretty difficult to believe that (1) Cecil didn't solicit Auburn, and (2) Auburn didn't come up with some Colonial Cash, but I'm only considering what is actually known at the present time.

Gatorubet;1825351; said:
You do not win cases by relying on what you think happened. What I think, or the NCAA thinks, it immaterial. What they can prove is sorta the point.

I'm not disagreeing with you on the likelihood of what occured, just on what that means anyone can do NOW based upon current demonstrable evidence. The Barners could get the death penalty if half the rumors about Bobby L are true....Hell, I would not doubt anything was possible with those assholes in charge.

jlb1705;1825353; said:
It's a sneaky move by Auburn. If the FBI is still assembling a case, they could have told the NCAA to squash this until they're ready to move forward. Perhaps Auburn knew this, and took advantage to get the NCAA to essentially give a stamp of approval to their season for the time being. Auburn is trying to seal up the final vote for the NCG and get their guy the Heisman, and they just borrowed a bit of legitimacy for both for the time being. I still have no doubt that Auburn is going to get blown the fuck up over this - the demolition crew just isn't finished placing the charges yet. It's a shame that they're going to take the entire college football season down with them by stringing this thing out.
It will be interesting to see if Auburn comes out with a statement basically saying, "We we're vindicated!" or if they continue to lawyer up and no comment.
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Gatorubet;1825378; said:
I have a few cases where the FBI has a criminal investigation interest that coincides with my civil suit interests, but any information about the facts at issue is a one way street... and it ain't flowing my way. They (Justice Dept/FBI) are more than happy for you to assist them, but they don't give a crap about my interests - or the NCAA's interests - save how it helps them.

Which is as it should be. Their criminal investigation and its importance far exceeds the wants of college football fans.

Don't interpret this as any slam on you, but it's quite possible that the NCAA has a bit more political juice with the Feds than you do....thus the Feds might share with them, particularly if the US Attorney for that district didn't go to Auburn. :biggrin:
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Zippercat;1825392; said:
Don't interpret this as any slam on you, but it's quite possible that the NCAA has a bit more political juice with the Feds than you do....thus the Feds might share with them, particularly if the US Attorney for that district didn't go to Auburn. :biggrin:

Not likely...at all. They have a very serious case of voting bribery they are investigating and college football means next to nothing in this situation.
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ScriptOhio;1825261; said:
Re: Cecil Newton owns a landscaping company and is the pastor of the church in Newnan. For two years, the congregation has struggled to pay for and make repairs to the building it owns to keep the city from condemning it.
Last month, the city determined that Holy Zion had completed the major repairs necessary to comply with the building code. The news was welcome to the small congregation, said Bobbie Blandburg, the church?s financial officer.


Erik S. Lesser for The New York Times
Cecil Newton Sr. told ESPN.com that N.C.A.A. investigators requested bank statements and other documents related to his small church, the Holy Zion Center of Deliverance, in Newnan, Ga.


All I want to know is: Where did the money come from that Cecil Newton used to fix up his church?

on that F-150 in the background, with the ultimate tailgate accessories.


osu.edu ROCKS!!!
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Gatorubet;1825327; said:
I interpret that section that an "agreement" has to be made as an essential predicate before it becomes a violation where the dad's conduct inures to the student athlete's detriment (suspension). I do not read that as being violated by an "offer" to an institution when we have no proof that the offer was "agreed to" or consummated by actual receipt.

Just found this:
"SEC Bylaw does not apply in this situation," SEC spokesman Charles Bloom said in an e-mail to The Clarion-Ledger. "It only applies when there is an actual payment of an improper benefit, or an agreement (such as a handshake agreement) to pay and receive an improper benefit. The facts in this case, as we understand them, are that the student-athlete's father, without the knowledge of the student-athlete, solicited improper payments (which were rejected) from an institution the young man did not attend, and that the institution where the young man is enrolled was not involved."
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Seriously, spliting the hairs between family members and boosters is pretty silly. In my simplistic book family is family and there is no seperating the fat from the pig. However, from my introduction to logic class there are some tools one could apply. Socratic method says take an idea to it's limiting case to test the validity of the concept. The claim is that FATHER is an agent, soliciting inappropriate benifit but the SON is a seperate entity. Therefore, any benifits and/or contact with the family would be contact with an agent. If that is the case, then Cam can't even go home for dinner becasue he would be accepting gifts from an agent. This is obviously ludacrious. Ergo, the original assumption is ludacrious.
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OK, time for a glimpse down the other path. What has the NCAA just done if this is the end of it? What if there is nothing else?

I say they have 1) incentivised every high school coach/parent/guardian/handler in America to shop their athlete. 2) Just effectively killed college sports and 3) rendered themselves obsolete.

I have better shit to do tonight and I can't stop thinking about what a horrific decision this is.
Upvote 0 Financial Aid.
If at any time before or after matriculation in a member institution a student-athlete or any member of his/her family receives or agrees to receive, directly or indirectly, any aid or assistance beyond or in addition to that permitted by the Bylaws of this Conference (except such aid or assistance as such student-athlete may receive from those persons on whom the student is naturally or legally dependent for support), such student-athlete shall be ineligible for competition in any intercollegiate sport within the Conference for the remainder of his/her college career.

Nah. Dinner's cool.
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