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Cam Newton (QB New England Patriots)

Don't worry too much. In the next month or so millions will be made by everybody concerned. Then in another six months to two years, after a lot of supposed handwringing, Cam will be handing back the Heisman back, and everyone will act like the NCAA has again justified itself.

Good job, NCAA. Goodbye any sense of integrity. And good luck, fans, in expecting anything else better.
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buckford;1825551; said:
Don't worry too much. In the next month or so millions will be made by everybody concerned. Then in another six months to two years, after a lot of supposed handwringing, Cam will be handing back the Heisman back, and everyone will act like the NCAA has again justified itself.

Good job, NCAA. Goodbye any sense of integrity. And good luck, fans, in expecting anything else better.
Well, yeah, and not like I don't agree with you, but the other choice is to pre-judge Cam, Auburn, Slive and anyone else concerned. I hate how the law works like that -- unless I'm Cam...
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jwinslow;1825500; said:
Remember when the NCAA suddenly began enforcing their rules with unusually strong ethics and accountability, hunting down a variety of agent violations, actually punishing a rogue program for once, etc?

Remember how they tried to appear viable to keep around when the soon to be formed super conferences split off on their own and picked a new postseason as well as governing body?

Buh bye ncaa.o

IMO, the only people who should be defecating building materials are any Division 2 programs who are also currently under investigation for stuff like having coaches drive athletes home to visit dying grandparents and other such "improper benefits".

Those are the sorry S.O.B.s who are going to get destroyed by the NC2A when this has all settled...
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It's so sick how Herbie took cheap shots at TP when speaking about Cam Newton this weekend...saying things like:

When Auburn was down, we didn't see him yelling at coaches or teammates, but just leading by example on the field and being a team player. He is a true leader.

It was a blatent shot at TP pretty much saying that Herbie thinks Cam is type of guy that great QBs should be, not TP. It was a statement all based on character. And it's bogus. Cam Newton has cheated, stole, and likely known about playing for money.

Is that the type of guy TP should be? Give me Pryor over Newton any day of the week.

Screw Auburn and screw anybody who is voting this guy for Heisman. What a joke.
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billmac91;1825348; said:
The F.B.I. investigation and charges against MacGregor will likely lead to this but the NCAA has their hands tied at the moment. Auburn is playing a dangerous game here, b/c should the evidence come out, they're absolutely screwed.

After this latest news, I am in the "I will believe it when I see it" phase.
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Gatorubet;1825424; said: Financial Aid.
If at any time before or after matriculation in a member institution a student-athlete or any member of his/her family receives or agrees to receive, directly or indirectly, any aid or assistance beyond or in addition to that permitted by the Bylaws of this Conference (except such aid or assistance as such student-athlete may receive from those persons on whom the student is naturally or legally dependent for support), such student-athlete shall be ineligible for competition in any intercollegiate sport within the Conference for the remainder of his/her college career.

Nah. Dinner's cool.

I agree that dinner would normally be cool. My point was that the SEC and NCAA agreed that "persons on whom the sutdent is naturally or legally dependent" can cheat like a son-of-a-bitch. NCAA and SEC are severing the normal connection and allownig Cecil to be a cheater but holding Cam innocent. If Cecil is a rouge agent then either 1) section no longer applies or 2) Cam is a rouge agent by association. [argument by (false?) dicotamy] The NCAA has already eliminated (2), ergo (1) must apply how ever obsurd it sounds.
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FCollinsBuckeye;1825240; said:
They should go a step further and rule him retroactively inelegible from Sunday through Friday for the entire 2010 season. That'll teach 'em.

Since they did play one Thursday night game this season -- ironically enough, against Mississippi State -- and a Friday afternoon game last week against Alabama, it most certainly would teach 'em.
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Asked if he was concerned that the NCAA's ruling and the SEC's acquiescence to that ruling without further punishment opened a large loophole in NCAA rules, Slive acknowledged that he was concerned by the precedent set in the Cam Newton case -- that family members may solicit benefits from one university while remaining eligible at another. As a result Slive said the SEC would sponsor and send legislation to the NCAA to close the Cam Newton loophole and prevent future instances such as this from occurring. "To the extent that the current legislation is not thorough enough, we are going to work to get national legislation passed to close this loophole," Slive said.
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Asked if he was concerned that the NCAA's ruling and the SEC's acquiescence to that ruling without further punishment opened a large loophole in NCAA rules, Slive acknowledged that he was concerned by the precedent set in the Cam Newton case -- that family members may solicit benefits from one university while remaining eligible at another. As a result Slive said the SEC would sponsor and send legislation to the NCAA to close the Cam Newton loophole and prevent future instances such as this from occurring. "To the extent that the current legislation is not thorough enough, we are going to work to get national legislation passed to close this loophole," Slive said.

Then Slive went on to say......"But lets just wait until after all those profits come in from the SECCG and BSCCG." :wink2:
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Wow...Mike Slive has to be the best conference President out there. He sees a loophole, and he's going to draft new legislation to shut it down. This guy is impressive...

Wish Delaney would get on the ball. We need more Slive's out there.
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Mike Slive - "I'm shocked, SHOCKED, to find that payoffs are going on around here."

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIX_0nMlIBU"]YouTube - I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here (Casablanca)[/ame]
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