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2025 CA RB Jordon Davison (Oregon Verbal)





5'11" | 203 LBS | RB | 2025

Jordon Davison

Jordon Davison
Expectations were high for Davison this camp season and he was very impressive at the Rivals Camp Series in Los Angeles. He shines as a between-the-tackles runner during the season, making use of his patience, power and vision but on the camp circuit Davison has shown growth as a receiving threat.
Davison and his very solid 5-foot-11, 205-pound frame improved his route-running abilities and looked like a more natural pass catcher.
Ohio State, Michigan, Oregon and Alabama are the teams to watch in his recruitment.
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And Wiltfong disagrees with the previous analysts I posted...
If OSU doesn't land him, I'd prefer they just pursue a RB in the winter Portal. There will be plenty of options to land a more veteran RB. And I'm sure that player would have no problem stepping into the young RB room
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And Wiltfong disagrees with the previous analysts I posted...
If OSU doesn't land him, I'd prefer they just pursue a RB in the winter Portal. There will be plenty of options to land a more veteran RB. And I'm sure that player would have no problem stepping into the young RB room

As long as he doesn't end up with Scum, then it's good.
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What happened here? Seemed to be the clear leader and get an OV, then get eliminated (assuming this information is accurate). We'll be fine, but this is one Lock was supposed to deliver on...so his report card would go down if we don't win this one. Bo Jackson was happening regardless, West is intriguing but also a given once we offered. The Davison we were favored for and Lock supposedly had the relationship to close, so if we don't that is not a great start in terms of recruiting.
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What happened here? Seemed to be the clear leader and get an OV, then get eliminated (assuming this information is accurate). We'll be fine, but this is one Lock was supposed to deliver on...so his report card would go down if we don't win this one. Bo Jackson was happening regardless, West is intriguing but also a given once we offered. The Davison we were favored for and Lock supposedly had the relationship to close, so if we don't that is not a great start in terms of recruiting.
He closed Jackson, who was trending away from OSU, and got West.

Apparently, OSU was kind of walking away from Davison... per a pod.

Loklyn is doing great if you ask me.
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