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2025 CA RB Jordon Davison (Oregon Verbal)

He was floating that he was interested in visiting Ohio State to see what kind of travel and benefit package we’d offer him. Since Ohio State doesn’t play that game, of course he ends up at Oregon, a school that very much plays that game.
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5'11" | 203 LBS | RB | 2025

Texas and Ohio State could be the front-runners for the five-star running back from Santa Ana (Calif.) Mater Dei and the Longhorns could have the edge but some more big visits are coming up. Davison will be at Alabama on March 23 to get a feel for that new coaching staff and its offensive scheme, will then head to Ole Miss on March 24 and then round out that trip at Ohio State on March 27. Playing in the SEC is definitely a draw but the Buckeyes would be big too since he grew up idolizing
Ezekiel Elliott
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Per Birm, Jordon will be on a 4 day visit in Columbus next month. Apparently very serious about OSU and that visit will help. If we're going to chase an elite OOS RB, this is the kid to do it on.
Yeah, and what’s even more important on that trip: mom, dad and grandma will all be there too. OSU is definitely in this one. I never took this one serious until hearing that, and look to be even more optimistic after the visit. I’d take him, and then RB2 would honestly not matter as much. I’d like one of the OH RBs or even the kid from VA, but Davidson is starting To feel more realistic now. Get em Tony
Texas and Oregon seem to have bigger war chests than the Buckeyes. Notwithstanding the display of wealth in the offseason by the Buckeyes. Texas pays their OL $50k just for showing up (am betting that Baker got considerably more than that), and Nike must have a huge advertising budget that is used for football players, so batten down the hatches, it's going to be a bidding war. Don't remember who said it, but recruits trying to see who will pay the most for them to come on an unofficial visit, sticks in my craw as well.....
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