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2025 CA RB Jordon Davison (Oregon Verbal)

What happened here? Seemed to be the clear leader and get an OV, then get eliminated (assuming this information is accurate). We'll be fine, but this is one Lock was supposed to deliver on...so his report card would go down if we don't win this one. Bo Jackson was happening regardless, West is intriguing but also a given once we offered. The Davison we were favored for and Lock supposedly had the relationship to close, so if we don't that is not a great start in terms of recruiting.
Well I've heard a few story's on Davison not choosing OSU. One is that he may have "uncle" who is looking for a better deal, and OSU wasn't looking to play that game. Another is that he needs some work off the field(vague I know). And then also, he wasn't interested in being the 3rd RB in the class as opposed to the 2nd in a class.
Either way, I agree, it sucks. But like has been stated, RB is the easiest position to plug and play. And at this point with Jackson and West, Lock has plenty of options still, remember when he was offering all of those RBs when he was first hired? He can still turn to guys like Mills-Knight, or Rogers, etc. Or just wait and look into the Portal in the winter. RB isn't a pressing need, and OSU can always land a RB who had success at a smaller school. Its not beneficial to get in a bidding war for every recruit. And tbh, Bo Jackson is every bit as good as Davison, if not better.
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It seems that many of the more highly ranked (*'s) players are waiting to see who coughs up the bigger bucks. Would suspect that many earlier commits are being told to earn your NIL on the field before cashing in. Now that the high 4* and 5* are showing their worth at camps, etc. and comparing where they wish to matriculate, they don't want to stand in line to play? WTF? Guess I'm complaining that these guys aren't willing to earn their reps on the field, or maybe in my naivete, this is just an excuse? Maybe the NIL pocket is drying up, as schools are saving their big bucks for players of need, elite quality from the git-go, or something not fathomable as of yet. Maybe this is a measure of 'heart' and he's being found wanting. Of course I'm overthinking this thing, for reasons that don't really matter. In twenty years, this won't matter either. Go Bucks!
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Frankly, it seems to me that the portal will be a better option next year than a 3rd recruit.

With Henderson and Judkins gone we will have no upperclassmen at the position and it is unlikely our two Frosh this year will get many reps. Seems like playing under Kelly at OSU would be an extremely attractive opportunity for someone wishing to relocate.
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We're in a great position in this recruiting class with Jackson & West. We can afford to swing for the fences for a talented 3rd RB

It sucks, because I'd love to see Jordon in this class as that guy we swing for the fences for, but ShowMe said it best. You don't want to overplay your hand as the recruit with the position situation Ohio State is going to be in at RB in '25. That starting position is going to be totally up for grabs for a 1st or 2nd year RB or an offseason transfer

You couldn't ask for a better situation as an incoming freshman RB at a blue blood football program. Whatever may happen, good luck to Jordon and his decision... unless he picks TCUN
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