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2025 CA RB Jordon Davison (Oregon Verbal)

This is in reference to the rumor that was going around that originally started from Birm saying Davison had ballooned up to 240lbs.
So kind of looks like OSU may have dodged a bullet there. And even funnier that Alford missed on yet another top recruit.

No. 6 - Jordon Davison vs. Harlem Berry for RB #1 is an odd competition..

Berry had a great day in Jacksonville, winning the fastest man competition with a 4.46u hand time, while Jordon Davison showed up a whopping 37 lbs heavier than his Rivals listed 203 lbs, and still showed
— (@CodyCarpentier) June 28, 2024
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Tell me he didn't commit to Ohio State without telling me he didn't commit to Ohio State.

Exactly. Lots of sour grapes in this thread. Also, lots of men with bags.
Yeah, this is what I didn't want the thread to turn into. But I understand that some of the recent comments can come off like sour grapes. At the end of the day, regardless of the reason, he wanted to be a Duck and not a Buckeye. OSU still has 2 great RBs and also the #1 class. Best of luck to Jordan, unless he's playing the Buckeyes.
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Yeah, this is what I didn't want the thread to turn into. But I understand that some of the recent comments can come off like sour grapes. At the end of the day, regardless of the reason, he wanted to be a Duck and not a Buckeye. OSU still has 2 great RBs and also the #1 class. Best of luck to Jordan, unless he's playing the Buckeyes.
Not to mention with the way our NIL collectives have stepped it up, we can't really complain when other schools do it too. Before NIL, then sure because it wasn't legal...but now its reality. Was hoping to see this kid in Columbus but you can't get them all. Echo good luck to the kid except when its Ducks vs Bucks.
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Well, not trying to hijack this thread, but maybe, just maybe the lack of NIL money for Davidson and Brew means that there's more for Sanders in the pot? It's kinda hard to go against different bagmen from different schools.
Not a bad theory, but if Sanders lands at OSU at the cost of Davison (and Brew) then I am more than ok with that outcome. Guess I hadn't thought about it like that since I don't know the interworkings of the NIL collective and that angle, but perhaps that is the case and I would rather us pay for an elite OL like Sanders over Davison if that is the scenario.
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Would certainly be a rarity if someone would contribute $10k annually to NIL. Usually it's made up of $100 here, $500 there, but one has to remember, it's one-time money. And, the freshmen coming in with a 'guaranteed' NIL income are expecting that year after year, which is on-going. First axiom, you never use one-time money on things that eat. Or translated, you don't put a down payment on a car with all you have in the bank. The bank would repo the car in a month or two. So, NIL has to re-raise, and re-raise new money as it's spent. Won't be like that when the universities have to pony up the cash, but until then....Yeah, I'd rather see Sanders get a little more, even if the cost are two great recruits. That fills a hole, more than the two that Oregon took. PS, with the Bank of Nike behind them, they might indeed have an on-going source of funds. That's gonna hurt. Go Bucks!
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