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C.J. Barnett (Director of Player Development)

dumb question, where does this put us with respect to Givens (Indian Head, MD) and Banks (McKees Rock, PA), both with official offers if I have my facts straight? I'm just not sure of what the Bucks are needing at defensive back in the 09 class. :oh:
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svm;1088926; said:
dumb question, where does this put us with respect to Givens (Indian Head, MD) and Banks (McKees Rock, PA), both with official offers if I have my facts straight? I'm just not sure of what the Bucks are needing at defensive back in the 09 class. :oh:
dont know the answer to your question just am not willing to leave a buckeye hanging! :io:
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OSU has plenty of spots for '09 (25ish). Tressel can never have enough talented DBs, especially versatile guys. The pursuit of Givens, Banks and others was in hopes of an early OSU verbal from Barnett.
wadc45;1088932; said:
OSU will likely take at least two corners this year...and I believe Banks projects as a safety...
Also, OSU has lots of bodies at safety, but no proven depth yet. When '09 arrives, O'Neal is gone and the starters will be entering their last season.
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neat, thanks for the input.

I wonder when Rivals gets around to updating his picture
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Knew this was coming but it's great to see it become official. Welcome aboard CJ! Btw, I see CJ becoming a top 50 guy nationally if he goes to the combines. He is great on film but he is so physically impressive, the sites will definetly bump him quite a bit imo.
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