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C.J. Barnett (Director of Player Development)

CJ Barnett did not play very well in the opener. May have just been a bad game, but if he wants to play with the BUCKS it has to get a lot better than that. I saw Nate Wilburn-Ogletree play as well, he looks like he has the talent to play in the Big Ten next year. Remember we let Mario Manningham get away, letsnot do that again to a great Ohio WR.
We didn't "let" Manningham get away. OSU wanted him badly but had no shot. He was a life long fan of tTUN.
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Great news and this doesn't surprise me as Barnett is an excellent defender. Northmont is extremely pro-OSU and we have Coleman in our corner, so I would expect us to be the leader.
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Just curious if any sort of time table has been mentioned by Barnett?

Will he end it around February or take his visits and go through the whole process?

He reportedly loves the Buckeyes, so I'm not worried about getting him, just the when we get him part.
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His video reminds me a whole lot of Kurt Coleman, probably not too surprisngly. He's got a lot of potential and you can see why he received an offer from tOSU. Great in coverage, very solid tackler, goes for ball at highest point, takes good routes to his man/the ball/ball carrier, pretty adept at reading plays, confident, and has speed to burn. I really like him at CB, but I think he could play either safety spot as well.
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He plays more like Jenkins than Coleman as well, at least judging by that video. Definite cornerback prospect IMO. A very good one at that. Excellent hips.

Hard to gauge his recovery speed since he didn't have to do much recovering in that video. :)
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BN $


Talks about his junior season, his goals for next year and what schools are in contact (Michigan, Clemson, Boston College, LSU and Alabama among others). C.J.'s coach talks about his game and also talks about him away from the field.
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