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C.J. Barnett (Director of Player Development)

svm;1088936; said:
neat, thanks for the input.

I wonder when Rivals gets around to updating his picture

I actually hope they leave this up for a while - this picture cracked me up. :scum4:
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Northmont's Barnett commits to Ohio State

By Marc Pendleton
Staff Writer

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

CLAYTON ? C.J. Barnett envisioned himself excelling as a quarterback at Northmont High School.
Think again.

"I told him he might be a (defensive back) on Saturdays," Thunderbolts coach Lance Schneider said Monday. "I was right."
Barnett has been a fixture as a lock-down cornerback for Northmont the past two seasons. Big and fast, plenty of BCS colleges took notice, including Ohio State.
The junior verbally committed to OSU on Sunday. He joins Coldwater linebacker Adam Homan as area juniors in OSU's class of '09 recruits.
Ironically, for a program known for its offensive fireworks, Barnett is the third recent defensive player headed to a BCS school. He'll join Northmont alums Kurt Coleman, a secondary starter for the Buckeyes, and lineman Nii Adjei Oninku at Kentucky.

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OSU football: Defensive back commits to class of 2009

Monday, February 11, 2008 3:01 AM

Defensive back C.J. Barnett of Clayton Northmont joined Ohio State's 2009 recruiting class yesterday when he gave the coaches the news after the Buckeyes' basketball game with Indiana. Even as Ohio State awaits word from perhaps the final piece to its 2008 class, quarterback Terrelle Pryor of Jeannette, Pa., Barnett became the sixth commitment to next year's class.
Barnett, 6 feet 1, 180 pounds, joined many other high school senior prospects for a meet-and-greet with the OSU football staff yesterday. Clayton Northmont coach Lance Schneider said he had a feeling his player was going to commit, even if Michigan and Florida State, among others, had been showing keen interest.
"Ohio State is where he's wanted to go," Schneider said.

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GrizzlyBuck;1089355; said:
Great news, another good get for the Bucks. These early commits are forgotten sometimes when we "miss" out on some of the late deciding guys. The '09 class is off to an outstanding start.

Especially for us a little slow getting around to the class.

Welcome aboard, CJ!!
Buckeyes from all over rooting for your personal unmitigated success to help this team win another National Championship!
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crazybuckfan40;1125208; said:
You linked to Malcolm Jenkins high school film...:tongue2:

I agree put CJ up there as a 5 star player and while I havent seen all corners film, I put him up there right behind KirkPatrick...

Exactly what I thought...MJ clone. He hits like a truck, he's very athletic, has great size, attacks the ball at it's highest point, and plays the run well. Barnett was weak against the run and wasn't very physical in his sophmore film but he has improved drastically in that category. I think he is a 5 star guy and if he goes to a Rivals combine, I think he has a good shot.
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Bucknuts.com - Barnett Maps Out Future With Buckeyes

By Alex Sator, JJHuddle.com
Posted May 25, 2008

Our friends at JJHuddle.com have an interview with Ohio State 2009 verbal commitment C.J. Barnett, a cornerback from Clayton (Ohio) Northmont. Barnett says he plans on enrolling early at OSU so he can participate in spring drills next April. Click this free link for more on Barnett, including a video link.

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Good news about C.J. enrolling early, there will be at least one CB spot up for grabs and lots of room in the two deep for a kid with great talent who can pick up schemes and responsibilties, coming in early can only help with this.
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