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C Greg Oden (All B1G, All-American, Defensive Player of the Year, Butler Assistant Coach)

Oden Possibly Out For Season

FOX Sports on MSN - NBA - Oden likely to miss 2007-08 season

Blazers fans may have to wait a little longer to see Greg Oden in action.

According to a release on the team's web site, the No. 1 overall pick in the 2007 NBA Draft is likely to miss the 2007-08 season after exploratory arthroscopic surgery revealed cartilage damage to the Ohio State star's right knee.

"Greg had an arthroscopy and a micro fracture surgery today," said team physician Dr. Don Roberts, who performed the surgery. "He was found to have articular cartilage damage in his right knee. The area of injury was not large and we were able to treat it with micro fracture, which stimulates the growth of cartilage. There are things about this that are positive for Greg. First of all he is young. The area where the damage was is small and the rest of his knee looked normal. All those are good signs for a complete recovery from micro fracture surgery."
According to the release, Oden is expected to be on crutches for up to eight weeks. Recovery for micro fracture surgery generally takes between six and 12 months for full recovery. "Certainly this is a setback, but our future is still incredibly bright," said Trail Blazers General Manager Kevin Pritchard. "Is it disappointing? Yes. However, this is a great core of talent and players of strong character and will continue to be."



This sucks.
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The Blazers have it worse than the Browns. Their first "there's always next year," is before the season even starts. If they do bomb again they will basically have two first round draft picks next season.
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exhawg;928468; said:
The Blazers have it worse than the Browns. Their first "there's always next year," is before the season even starts. If they do bomb again they will basically have two first round draft picks next season.

yep. Remember, the best thing that ever happened to the Spurs was David Robinson's season long injury in the late 90s.
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Deja Vu??

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