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C Greg Oden (All B1G, All-American, Defensive Player of the Year, Butler Assistant Coach)

iambrutus;928498; said:
i heard oden is out for the year, anyone know anything about that?


That's going to put a damper on OSU's chances for a National Championship....

(muffled whispers)

....What!?! He didn't come back?!?!

Well son-of-a-&!%$# :smash:

Best of luck to Greg and a full recovery. :osu:
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akronbuck;928488; said:
feel sorry that I can't watch him play this year but, happy he went pro for the money. He is also, that medical stuff has improved so much that he'll be ready to go next year not like another Bowie or an injured playing walton

He did make the wise choice there.:)
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Well, it didn't take long for Bill "I love Kevin Durant's nutsack" Simmons to chime in:

Two months ago, I wrote Durant was "the surest thing to come into the league since Jordan. Barring injury, he's going to be the league's next dominant forward."

That's what the Portland Trail Blazers passed up June 28, 2007. I thought it would haunt them some day. ... I just didn't know it would haunt them so soon.

Ok, first of all. The surest thing to come into the league since Jordan has been Tim Duncan, with Lebron and Shaq close seconds. Simmons needs to get off that trip.

Second of all, Oden's career isn't over. His first year might be, but if the Blazers get blitzed in the Western Conference (likely), then that team will be lottery bound again with a chance to pick up another young stud to contribut with Roy, Aldridge and Oden. This may be a blessing in disguise for the Blazers. I sure hope it is. I want bad for Oden to piss and shit on his critics' faces.
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Best of luck to Oden. Hopefully he has a good recovery and they don't try to rush him in to play... as much as I'd like to see him as soon as possible, lingering injuries that last for a lifetime because they only healed 99% is never what you want.
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Well, it didn't take long for Bill "I love Kevin Durant's nutsack" Simmons to chime in:

Ok, first of all. The surest thing to come into the league since Jordan has been Tim Duncan, with Lebron and Shaq close seconds. Simmons needs to get off that trip.

Second of all, Oden's career isn't over. His first year might be, but if the Blazers get blitzed in the Western Conference (likely), then that team will be lottery bound again with a chance to pick up another young stud to contribut with Roy, Aldridge and Oden. This may be a blessing in disguise for the Blazers. I sure hope it is. I want bad for Oden to piss and shit on his critics' faces.
why doesn't Oden get the "barring injury" tag?
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