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C Greg Oden (All B1G, All-American, Defensive Player of the Year, Butler Assistant Coach)

No. 1 pick Oden rehabbing knee after microfracture surgery

Updated: September 27, 2007, 7:57 PM ET

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Top NBA draft pick Greg Oden doesn't remember much from immediately after knee surgery. He was with his mother at home when he found out how serious it was.
"I kinda looked at my mom and said, 'I'm out for the season? You kidding me?' " he said.
Oden will be on crutches for six more weeks. Full recovery likely will take six to 12 months. He has started swimming, and a machine gently bends his knee for six hours a day.
Oden was at the Trail Blazers' practice facility on Thursday on crutches and with his surgically repaired left knee wrapped in ice.
Except for a videotaped blog entry, it was the 7-footer's first public appearance since undergoing microfracture surgery on Sept. 13. He will miss the season rehabbing.
Oden was in good spirits, although he said the full impact of missing the season probably won't hit him until Tuesday, when the Blazers start fall practice for the season.
"You know, it is a setback, but I'm excited to be able to scout the NBA for the whole year, and just know that next year when I come in I'm going to be 20 years old, I'm going to be very mature, and I'm going to be ready to play.''
He even predicted he'd be better than he was before: "I'm hoping for a 40-inch vertical.''
Entire article: ESPN - Oden shares details of post-surgery rehab - NBA
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Oden upbeat despite early setback

Friday, September 28, 2007 5:22 AM

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- Top NBA draft pick Greg Oden was with his mother at home when he found out how serious his knee injury was.
"I kinda looked at my mom and said, 'I'm out for the season? You kidding me?' " he said.
Oden will be on crutches for six more weeks recovering from surgery. Full recovery likely will take six to 12 months. He has started swimming, and a machine gently bends the knee for six hours a day.
Oden was at the Trail Blazers' practice facility yesterday on crutches and with his surgically repaired left knee wrapped in ice.

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oden dog.jpg

My New Family Member

His name is Charles Barkley McLovin and he is my new dog. He is a Boston/Beagle. He is not too big because i cant have a big dog while im renting my house. He is very quiet, hasnt even barked since i had him so far. He does of course pee in the house, making me mad. I know it takes time to train a dog, but don't you wish that a dog can just be born knowing to go to the restroom outside and to eat his food out of the dish?

what a goofball!

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interesting comment on his yardbarker page (yes, it's really greg):

12. ivo610, 13 days ago | Reply 0 pts
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Question for ya greg, any plans for this year since you wont be playing ball? back to school perhaps?


12.1. gregoden, 6 days ago | Reply 0 pts
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online classes
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