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C Greg Oden (All B1G, All-American, Defensive Player of the Year, Butler Assistant Coach)

OSUsushichic;896278; said:
A new life ... few changes

Blazers rookie Greg Oden still has his feet firmly planted on the ground despite newfound wealth

Sunday, August 05, 2007JOE FREEMAN
The Oregonian Staff

INDIANAPOLIS -- On a sweltering hot August afternoon, the savior of the Trail Blazers strides toward the entrance of a Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant, bragging about the popcorn shrimp. The front door swings open.

OregonLive.com: Everything Oregon

ScriptOhio;805552; said:
What ever Greg Oden decides he wants to do next year we should support him. Undoubtedly, he has already done more for Ohio State basketball than anyone since the Lucas/Havlicek era. Greg Oden is a gentleman, scholar, and athlete (maybe in that order). He has always conducted himself with "class". In fact you look up "class" in the dictionary and you even see a picture of Greg:

class (kl
s) n.

1. A set, collection, group, or configuration containing members regarded as having certain attributes or traits in common; a kind or category.

2. A division based on quality, rank, or grade, as:
a. A grade of mail: a package sent third class.
b. A quality of accommodation on public transport: tourist class.

a. A social stratum whose members share certain economic, social, or cultural characteristics: the lower-income classes.
b. Social rank or caste, especially high rank.
c. Informal Elegance of style, taste, and manner: Greg Oden always conducts himself "with class" on and off the basketball court..

4. A level of academic development, as in an elementary or secondary school.

a. A group of students who are taught together because they have roughly the same level of academic development.
b. A group of students or alumni who have the same year of graduation.
c. A group of students who meet at a regularly scheduled time to study the same subject.
d. The period during which such a group meets: had to stay after class.

6. Biology A taxonomic category ranking below a phylum or division and above an order. See Table at taxonomy.

7. Statistics An interval in a frequency distribution.

8. Linguistics A group of words belonging to the same grammatical category that share a particular set of morphological properties, such as a set of inflections.

tr.v. classed, class?ing, class?es To arrange, group, or rate according to qualities or characteristics; assign to a class; classify.

After reading OSUsushichic's article it is nice to hear that my earlier post (above) is still true.
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coastalbuck;896594; said:
Another nice story about Greg. Deadspin

Those comments on the Deadspin article are great!!!

- Don't forget, in addition to the bi-weekly $10,000 allowance, Greg gets an SS check the third of every month.

- Only $10K every two weeks? how is he supposed to pay for his grandkid's bar mitzvahs?

- Greg Oden remembers when you could get a candy bar for a nickel ... A NICKEL.

- Of course Greg Oden will be careful with his money. Living through the Great Depression does that to a person.

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Oden turns attention to Blazers, not Olympics

The 7-foot center opts not to play for the national team this summer, instead focusing on his NBA rookie season

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Oregonian Staff

Greg Oden's affiliation with USA Basketball was put on hold this week when he informed the U.S. Olympic Committee that he will not play on the national team this summer.

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Big Greg to be on the cover of College Hoops 2K8

We also had a photo shoot in our Ohio State jerseys that was pretty cool. Then finally the highlight of my day, Michael and i shooting a commercial for the game College Hoops 2K8. It was my first commercial so i had a good time with it. Its a pretty funny commercial so when it comes out i hope people will like it and go out and buy the game that im on the cover of. When it comes out it shouldn't be to hard to find. It has this handsome African American fellow who played at The Ohio State University and he looks like he is 40. Thanks again to 2K for putting me on the cover and being my first commercial.

2KSports - Yardbarker
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Just a kid
Greg Oden may be the biggest goofball of them all

Malibu -- I'm trying to recruit Greg Oden, but I've hit a road block. "I'm sorry," he says. "I don't drink."

The thing is, I need a partner for a friendly game of Beirut against some feisty, bikini-clad models at the LG Beach House here in Malibu and I really can't take no for an answer. "That's fine," I tell him. "I'll drink for you, but I need a wingman."

After taking a look at the table outside, a few steps from the pristine shoreline, he agrees to join my team, and for a moment I can relate to Ohio State coach Thad Matta. You know, sans the bikini-filled beach house.

SI.com - Writers - Playing beirut with Greg Oden - Monday August 27, 2007 6:04PM
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Buckskin86;913133; said:
Oden never stops having fun. When he finishes doing his dances he heads over to the air hockey table in the corner of the studio and challenges Isaiah Renfro, a 10-year-old boy who is wearing Oden's jersey. Up until now, Renfro has been sitting and watching Oden with his mom, awe-struck at the sight of his favorite player. Now it's hard to tell which one is the child as they pick up their mallets. "You're really making me feel good about myself, little man," says Oden as he starts dancing after scoring a goal. "You better come harder than that."

As Renfro laughs, he quickly scores a goal. Oden eventually takes the game and throws his hands in the air after he wins, runs around the studio, knocks over a chair and starts dancing in front of Renfro. "I'm sorry I had to beat you, little man," he says before jokingly turning to the mother. "I'm sorry I had to beat your son like that."

Renfro's mother, Chieko Woods, simply smiles as Oden continues playing with her son, challenging him to a game of one-on-one on the nearby court and swatting away his shots. "No sympathy," he says jokingly. "No sympathy, little man."
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Knee surgery for Greg...

Oden to have knee surgery
Top pick to have exploratory arthroscopic procedure

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- Trail Blazers center Greg Oden, the No. 1 pick in the NBA draft, will undergo exploratory arthroscopic knee surgery this week because of pain in his right knee.

An MRI taken last week showed Oden may have some cartilage problems, general manager Kevin Pritchard said Monday.

A timetable for Oden's return will be set following the surgery, which will take place Thursday in Vancouver, Wash.


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Oden to have surgery on sore right knee

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 5:47 AM

Portland Trail Blazers center Greg Oden, the No. 1 pick in the NBA draft, will undergo exploratory arthroscopic surgery Thursday because of pain in his right knee.

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