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C Byron 'B.J.' Mullens (Levanga Hokkaido Sapporo - Japan)


National City to be primary Flyin' to the Hoop sponsor

Dayton Daily News

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

? National City Bank will lend its clout ? and financial support ? as a "presenting sponsor" partner with next month's Flyin' to the Hoop. NCB will be the main sponsor to the in-season boys' hoop tourney that will be on display during Martin Luther King holiday weekend (Jan. 19-21) at Kettering Fairmont's Trent Arena.
"Our support of this tournament provides the entire region the opportunity to connect with some of the finest athletes in the country in high school basketball," said Lars Eller, executive vice president of retail banking, in a statement.
The event will have 16 games in three days. The featured game is Canal Winchester and 7-foot B.J. Mullens vs. a pair of 7-footers from Our Savior New America, N.Y. Mullens is headed to Ohio State University.
For more information, visit flyintothehoop.com.
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CANDIDATE UPDATE: With Milwaukee playing host to the McDonald's All-American game on March 26 at the Bradley Center, the Journal Sentinel will keep you up to speed on what some of the country's top candidates are up to and why they are considered among the best:

B.J. Mullens, Canal Winchester (Ohio): Mullens is the premier center in the class at 7-1, 260. He can knock down the outside jumper and has an adept post game. He will attend Ohio State next year, following McDonald's All-Americans Greg Oden (2006) and Kosta Koufos (2007).
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