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C Byron 'B.J.' Mullens (Levanga Hokkaido Sapporo - Japan)


Buckeyes bring on another 7-footer

Friday, November 16, 2007 Doug Lesmerises

Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus- Seven-footer B.J. Mullens of Canal Winchester highlighted the four players Ohio State signed for its 2008 freshman basketball class on Thursday, a group ranked second in the nation by recruiting service scout.com and sixth by rivals.com.
The class bears some resemblance, at least in style, to coach Thad Matta's famous haul of two years ago, featuring a 7-footer (Mullens now, Greg Oden then), a point guard (Anthony Crater to Mike Conley Jr.), a scorer (Toledo's William Buford to Daequan Cook) and a versatile wing man who plays great defense (Walter Offutt to David Lighty).
It's also the third straight class, with Oden, Kosta Koufos and Mullens, featuring a 7-footer.
"Big Man U.," Matta said with a smile, thinking ahead to potentially pairing Mullens and Koufos on the court, while knowing NBA departures are the price he pays for top talent. "My hope is to see them play together."
Also, Ohio State's women's team signed two players ranked among the top 100 in the country, guard Samantha Prahalis from Commack, N.Y., and guard Amber Stokes of Gahanna.
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I saw that Rucker Park special that B.J. was involved in. It's the longest footage I've seen of him. He looks incredibly impressive. The dunks he threw down, particularily the finger tip grabbing, one handed slam were disgusting.

I'm impressed by his size. He looks stronger than Oden and Koufos. He looks like he can be a force in the post like Greg was when he got healthier, down the stretch of the season last year.
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Going from high school to college athlete
Teens try to find the right school fit while dealing with media, recruiting coaches
Sports Writer
[email protected]

CANAL WINCHESTER - B.J. Mullens had just made one of the most important decisions of his life, but that might not have been clear to the casual observer.

The fact quickly became crystal clear, however, when cameras started to flash and tape recorders from interviewers began to beep. Mullens was signing his national letter of intent to play basketball at Ohio State in 2008, a commitment ceremony that brought out members of the central Ohio sports media, family, friends and teammates.

"To actually sign the letter of intent and be a Buckeye, it feels good," Mullens said.

Lancaster Eagle-Gazette - www.lancastereaglegazette.com - Lancaster, OH
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MSL Buckeye
Nelson, Mullens together again at Canal

Friday, November 23, 2007 3:08 AM
By Steve Blackledge


Remon Nelson

There were many times last season when B.J. Mullens wanted to take in a Harvest Prep game just to see his best buddy, Remon Nelson, in action.

But because Mullens had transferred from Harvest Prep to Canal Winchester in the spring of 2006, that prospect made him rather uncomfortable. When you're a 7-foot-1 Ohio State recruit, keeping a low profile is next to impossible.

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Top players

It's a scary prospect, but Ohio State-bound C B.J. Mullens (7-1, sr.) looks better than last season when he averaged 26.4 points and 14.1 rebounds while earning second-team All-Ohio honors. He is supported by F Aaron Barber (6-4, jr.), who averaged 9.7 points and 6.7 rebounds, and G Remon Nelson (5-9, sr.), a transfer who averaged 15.2 points and 4.0 assists in leading Harvest Prep to the Division IV state title game.
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I was at the game on Saturday night. All I can say is WOW!! They don't really even try to feed him the ball in the post. They just jack up 3's around him and let him clean up the mess. A lot of impressive dunks. He showed good touch from the foul line. He warmed up by shooting 3's before the game with some touch. I don't think any of his misses came until the fourth quarter... :biggrin:
On another note, the one guard for Teays Valley was a pretty good ball player himself. Believe his last name was Amann.
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