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C Byron 'B.J.' Mullens (Levanga Hokkaido Sapporo - Japan)

OSU_Buckguy;915954; said:
if so, he's half black, half amazing. regardless, i guarantee you that the rucker crowd thought he was white. in fact, i remember some crowd members around me referring to him as "that white boy." as in, "man, that white boy can jump" and "that white boy can ball." seriously, that's what i heard.

Pretty sure he's half or quarter at the least.
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just got response via email that the elite 24 hoops classic will be aired on espn in november.

until then, you can catch interviews of the players (including bj) and clips from the scrimmage/shoot-around (not game) at ballersallstar. go to "webcasts." username: hsbnetwork. password: mecca. password may change shortly, though. will keep updated.
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OSU_Buckguy;947099; said:
just got response via email that the elite 24 hoops classic will be aired on espn in november.

until then, you can catch interviews of the players (including bj) and clips from the scrimmage/shoot-around (not game) at ballersallstar. go to "webcasts." username: hsbnetwork. password: mecca. password may change shortly, though. will keep updated.

It was on last night, and though it was mostly a show off game, Mullens looks like he is going to be a monster at the next level. If Koufos stays another year, we just might have Mullens at PF, and boy is he good. He looks very athletic for a big man. He's going to be something to see at OSU for years to come (unless he enters early)
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It was most definetly a show off game...I didn't know whether I was watching AND1 Streetball or what. It was really entertaining though. Mullens is going to be a great player for us.
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I saw B.J. at the Illinois game walking across the bridge to the stadium. Dang, he's a big boy. He and Koufos would be tremendous together. When was the last time a college had two guys of their ability and size down low? We would own the paint.
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OSU men's basketball: Mullens realizes dream by staying on right path

Thursday, November 15, 2007 4:03 AM
By Bob Baptist



The story B.J. Mullens tells central Ohio elementary- and middle-school students is about two brothers, basketball players with dreams who chose different paths. The older one, Mullens says, played at West Mound Middle School with NBA standout Michael Redd and might have been good enough eventually to earn a college scholarship. The temptations of the streets swayed him, however, and he ended up in juvenile prison.
The younger one faced those same temptations: alcohol, drugs and unprotected sex. Even though some of his friends were up to no good, he shot baskets at Dodge Park in Franklinton. While they played video games, he did push-ups and sit-ups. When they skipped school, he didn't.

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BGriffBuckeye;993846; said:
When was the last time a college had two guys of their ability and size down low? We would own the paint.

Stanford had the Collins twins a few years back. Jason and Jarron were both 7'0". I think Jason is still in the NBA, playing for the NJ Nets. I have my doubts that either of them had the athleticism that both KK and BJ have.
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Thump;917964; said:
Pretty sure he's half or quarter at the least.

Yeah, he has to have at least some black in him, 'cuz we all knowz white boyz can't ball 'n shit... :roll1:

I watched the game last night, and it was nothing but a glorified street game, but B.J. more than held his own. And he's about as white as they come...
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