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C Byron 'B.J.' Mullens (Levanga Hokkaido Sapporo - Japan)

Mullens had 10 points and 5 boards in the first quarter. The game is on E$PNU right now

At halftime, BJ is up to 15 points and 10 boards, including 5/5 from the FT line. Canal Winchester is leading 35-32
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My thoughts on his performance:

The athleticism is sickening. A man that big and long shouldn't physically be able to jump that high. That being said...

He is far from dominant on defense. He gets a lot of rebounds because of his size, and I guess the stat line says three blocks, but I cannot remember once when I saw him rotate over from the weak side to contest a shot. Maybe he is very prone to foul trouble and this is a precaution, I am not sure, but it seemed like if a guy beat his man and was driving to the basket, BJ was much more content to box out then try to alter the shot. I think he could have swatted half of those shots into the third row. I do know that he couldn't stop Gates for the majority of the game. Can't wait to see him after three months working with Matta on helpside defense.

He was also very prone to cherry picking. Maybe he just really wanted to throw one down for the home crowd, I don't know. But there was one play where a shot went up, Mullens took off to half court, and Gates ended up getting the rebound, missing the putback, getting another rebound, and dunking. All the way BJ is watching from half court. On offense he seemed very content to just stand around and wait till the ball was swung to his wing to post up, instead of going to the ball side and posting. Really thought there was a lack of effort out there by Mullens.

All that being said, his offensive game is very mature for a high school senior, and I am absolute ecstatic that he is a tOSU signee. Him on the low post and Kosta on the wing as the PF will be absolutely sick next year, I can only pray.
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Cincinnati Withrow 58,

Canal Winchester 57
Anthony McBride tipped in his own missed shot as the buzzer sounded, lifting Cincinnati Withrow to a come-from-behind victory over Canal Winchester (10-2).
Remon Nelson made the second of two free throws with 23.8 seconds left to give Canal a 57-56 lead.
Withrow held the ball for one shot. McBride drove the middle of the lane, missed, but managed to tip in his own shot as a mass of bodies fought for the rebound.
"I'm not sure if it was in the cylinder or not? some people say it was," Indians coach Kent Riggs said. "All I know is they counted it, so it must have been good. On a play like that, I'd like to think we can secure a rebound, anyway. That's the way it goes, though."
Ohio State-bound 7-1 center B.J. Mullens had 16 points and 19 rebounds for the Indians but was held to one point in the second half.
"It's a loss that we can learn from," Mullens said. "It's not like we lost to some Division IV team. We lost by one point to a really good Division I team."
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Boys' prep basketball: Canal Winchester vs. Teays Valley

CANAL WINCHESTER ? B.J. Mullens was kept out of Tuesday night's game with dizziness, but that didn't stop Canal Winchester from rolling over Teays Valley 78-56.
In the 7-footer's absence, Remon Nelson hit six field goals and seven free throws on his way to a 19-point night. Not to be outdone, Darian Cartharn had nine buckets for 21 points. Jarmod Woodley was the third Indian (11-2, 8-0) player in double-digits with 11 points.
Teays Valley (6-7) was led by Nathan Dresbach's eight points.
Canal Winchester plays next on Saturday at Fairfield Union.
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Rob Oller commentary: Mullens has fire to succeed on court
Saturday, January 19, 2008 3:07 AM
By Rob Oller

Everyone expects the big man to blaze like a blowtorch, to stay lit until the job is completed.

He stands 7 feet 1. He better be good in basketball. He better dominate all the time. He better make us win.

But B.J. Mullens is more like a matchbook. Most of the time he strikes true, firing up drafty high school gyms that fill to the top rows just to watch the Canal Winchester senior.

The Columbus Dispatch : Rob Oller commentary: Mullens has fire to succeed on court
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I was at the game on Saturday night. Damn near all of his points came from dunks! I've seen him play in person 3 times now, and this was by far the hardest I've ever seen him play. He was a monster out there. He had some crazy dunks in traffic.
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BJ just went for 64 tonight, against New American, from NYC! NA's two 7 footers were out and CW's guards just kept dropping it into the post and BJ took care of things-great variety of spin moves and scoop shots-his footwork is phenomenal. On defense, he was passive, but CW played a zone all night and NA's guards just shot over it, no one was going to go inside against BJ. He needs to work on his defensive intensity, but he has as good of big man footwork as anyone not in the NBA, in the country......
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