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Bucknuts and Scout Part ways

Oh8ch;675464; said:
Just read the Scout blurb on their front page comparing this to the Browns leaving Cleveland. Pretty strong stuff.

I got a PM offering me 20% off an annual subscription if I do my "Observations" thread over there. But I also have to handle their mail-order Nacho concession - and they don't have a romper room so I would have to find my own upskirt shots of Brittany Spears.

I'm mulling it over.

Can I go as your henchman??
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TRON;675475; said:
Its a fuckin internet web site :shake:
Agreed - that backing up the van bit was overly dramatic.
Still this a copyrighted property we are talking about.
So, there are some interesting wrinkles.

Who owns the Bucknuts name? Was that ownership ceded in whole or part on integration of Bucknuts into Scout? Was that ownership transferred to Fox on sale of Scout, if it was not transferred before on integration of BN into Scout?

How long will "Bucknuts" the Scout site still display all the Bucknuts regalia and emblems? Will they change their name? And, who are "they"?

How many questions can I post in one message? (Do I think the answer is as always 42?)
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Guys, this legal battle could get ugly...not sure how many people know who Mr. Bucknuts really is, but money is not an issue with him at all. Through his Columbus business(es), he has a long line of networked connections...Fox/Scout knows this.

Don't expect a quick fight unless its a suitable buyout to ensure a clean break.
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osugrad21;675493; said:
Guys, this legal battle could get ugly...not sure how many people know who Mr. Bucknuts really is, but money is not an issue with him at all. Through his Columbus business(es), he has a long line of networked connections...Fox/Scout knows this.

Don't expect a quick fight unless its a suitable buyout to ensure a clean break.


Bob L looks like he is going to take over the site. It might not be a bad deal for him because I think equity and that 40% revenues from the Bucknuts site would be better than his current gig. In other words if Bob has the opportunity to own the OSU brand it would be great for him AND the fans of tOSU.
He is a great talent evaluator and has the ear of the Scout network. This will help with some of the goofy assed ranking we have seen over thepast few years.
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We all have some ties to BNuts and its long history. Solid team, I'm sure they'll be fine once they get settled in with their new site. And it goes without saying I think they picked good forum software. :) Not everyone loves vB, but I think what they're not understanding is that its value is in how configurable, powerful, secure and maintained it is. If BN posters miss the "feel" of the (vastly inferior) ezBoards vehicle, vB is entirely capable of reproducing that.

On the other side of the fence, I think Scout was smart to tap Bob and Greg so quickly. It's been no secret that I've had longstanding ethical 'issues' with how recruiting coverage has been handled by fansites. Naturally, as a Buckeye, this concern is magnified when it comes to the integrity of our own program and processes. Greg is and always has been one of the few (outside of our own family here, although certainly he's been a part of it) who I never even remotely worry about in terms of having direct contact with a recruit. I guess what I'm saying is, in the wake of the sudden change, Scout has taken some good early steps to establish themselves as ... er, do we have two Bucknuts now?

Anyway, this is going to be a bit like watching some drama unfolding between two neighbors across the street. You don't want it to get ugly, but at the same time you're sort of tempted to get some popcorn and a beer, and get a good seat to watch it play out.

I wish both sides good fortune, really. Our complaints in the past with some elements of the community were that the fans were taken for granted, or even abused, or that offerings weren't up to par with costs, etc. I think those issues were rendered moot a long time ago, and as we enter a period where we have not two, but four, unauthorized commercial OSU sites, as well as efforts from the Dispatch, as well as official and expanding offerings from the university itself -- well, we the users win when everyone has to work a bit harder to earn those dollars from the community.

I do have to say, it's very nice to be settled in over here and not have to worry about the impending drama and upheaval. We'll cheer them all on as we have friends in all corners, but continue life as normal here on the Planet as it all rages on.
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Rage against the machine :biggrin:

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sandgk;675411; said:
Just saw on the BN (Scout) forum that Greg Powers was tapped for the new Scout OSU Staff.
Lichtenfels praises Greg's past work at Buckeye Planet.
Smart move. Besides the fact that he knows his stuff when it comes to recruiting, Greg really watches out for the kids. Congrats to a great guy.
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