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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009

southcampus;1424918; said:
I'm a poor ass college student and my parents would get pissed if I charged it to my credit card, saying that "I'm wasting my money". Little do they know the importance of BuckeyePlanet :sneaky:
Get real. If your dad is a Buckeye, he's probably already here, hiding from you. :p

The generational thing is going to get interesting around here as time goes on. I figure we're almost to the point where the "Crap! My fifteen-year-old found my username! He's searching H&H now! Help!" messages will become a daily thing. :lol:

Don't send rent or book money, but if you're giving up a beer or appropriately legal alternative depending upon age, tip o' the invisible hat to you.
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Deety;1425008; said:
Get real. If your dad is a Buckeye, he's probably already here, hiding from you. :p

The generational thing is going to get interesting around here as time goes on. I figure we're almost to the point where the "Crap! My fifteen-year-old found my username! He's searching H&H now! Help!" messages will become a daily thing. :lol:

Don't send rent or book money, but if you're giving up a beer or appropriately legal alternative depending upon age, tip o' the invisible hat to you.

The Pops is a Purdue Grad and a former PSU prof. Although he likes the bucks, he is hardly an avid fan and probably doesn't know this board exists. Trust me, he would not approve of me giving money to this site (Although I fully intend to) seeing how he just sent me some.
Not to mention, he has full access to my online banking and all that jazz, that's why I'm thinking of alternative options other than credit card or a check from my account. Fear not admins, I will work something out. Love this site too much not to pitch in. It won't be much but I'll try.
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