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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009

Snappy_Jay;1424642; said:
I just did the monthly paypal as well. It may not be much but I love this site and I'm proud to support it! I hope we as a community easily surpass the goals set forth! Go bucks!


In my honest opinion, I think that the monthly donations help more. It is $$ that can be counted on in the future rather than uncertainty.

Good Job dude!
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sandgk;1424641; said:
I'm re-upping the old fashioned way, with my monthly Pay-Pal ...

come to think of it that's more like the new way.

Still works though, right?
Sure does. :) Really, the BP link for "paid subscriptions," aka monthly donations, is nothing more than a shortcut for setting up PayPal's own recurring payments system, so it's all controlled by your own PayPal account, and you can continue payments as long as you like, or stop them at any time. Simplicity is good.

Monthly donors are now listed on the front page though most payments will come in later in the month. The v100K bonuses for continuing monthly donors were put in the system yesterday, so please let me know if I missed anyone. The regular vCash will be put in when Jo gets the receipts, as usual.

Donor badges for today will be entered in a few minutes.

The drive reached $1,637 today, with 44 people on the donor list (about 35 specific drive payments plus monthly donors). That's absolutely fantastic. :)
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BUCKYLE;1424669; said:
Yes...but it's far from enough. You cheap bastards! Cough up the fucking cash! Donate or die! :p

I'm thinkning....I'm thinking!........
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