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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009

I don't have a lot to give right now, but I gave what I could.

I also want to throw in my support for Clarity; my father has suffered through crippling autoimmune disease for the entirety of my adult life. I understand just how terrible a thing it is, and I just want to say that I'm pulling for you. Just because we're internet strangers doesn't mean I don't care.
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I don't have a lot to give right now, but I gave what I could.

Anyone out there who can't give much (which is many), give the monthly donations a try. $5-10 a month is manageable, but provides a steady, predictable stream of money for BP & Clarity. Like Deety said, you can always cancel it later, but for most of us, we can find that much disposable income in our budget.
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O.K. fine, I'm in for another Spring (it's not much, but I'll try to give more over the next couple months too), but only because I enjoy Nacho Reports, Black vs. Green debates, and the occasional Troll-Bashing.

(actually I'm just terrified that Shetuck will dig up everything bad I've done in my life since 3rd grade..........donate everyone, Shetuck is watching you :paranoid:)

Paypal transaction sent. Best site on the net. Thanks again to all who make it so.


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southcampus;1424902; said:
Might be a dumb question, but you said we could mail in money. Can I just send straight cash rather than a check?
I guess if you want to mail cash through the snail mail any contribution would be excepted but there is a risk involved any time you send cash through the United States mail system. Perhaps you could give a friend who has a checking account the cash and have him write it for you and put your BP username in the memo line on the bottom of the check. It's up to you but there is just a small risk sending cash through the mail but if you have done it before feel free. Thank you for your contribution.
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I'm just waiting on my checking book to come in so I was wondering if there was an alternative. I'm a poor ass college student and my parents would get pissed if I charged it to my credit card, saying that "I'm wasting my money". Little do they know the importance of BuckeyePlanet :sneaky:
But yeah, I will figure something out. I don't have much but I'l try to send in like 20 bucks, this site is well worth it and I appreciate all the hard work put in by those who run the site and the members that make it more than just a website.
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southcampus;1424918; said:
I'm just waiting on my checking book to come in so I was wondering if there was an alternative. I'm a poor ass college student and my parents would get [censored]ed if I charged it to my credit card, saying that "I'm wasting my money". Little do they know the importance of BuckeyePlanet :sneaky:
But yeah, I will figure something out. I don't have much but I'l try to send in like 20 bucks, this site is well worth it and I appreciate all the hard work put in by those who run the site and the members that make it more than just a website.
You can send cash but I just wanted to warn you. Include a note with your BP username if you do send cash and I certainly will not tell your parents:)
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southcampus;1424918; said:
I'm just waiting on my checking book to come in so I was wondering if there was an alternative. I'm a poor ass college student and my parents would get pissed if I charged it to my credit card, saying that "I'm wasting my money". Little do they know the importance of BuckeyePlanet :sneaky:
But yeah, I will figure something out. I don't have much but I'l try to send in like 20 bucks, this site is well worth it and I appreciate all the hard work put in by those who run the site and the members that make it more than just a website.

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